Television/What not to Wear/Anonymous's Review

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User Rating: *

[edit] Review

Basically, this is a realty show where people whose clothes aren't "in" are set up to get a makeover by friends and family. The show's hosts, Clinton Kelly and Stacy London, give the subject (forced) pointers on his/her wardrobe. In other words, throw away whatever the hosts don't like. Then, the poor subject is dragged to New York to shop for clothes (that the hosts want).

Now I'm sorry, but what kind of a show is this? The subjects appear on the show unwillingly, and the hosts throw out any clothes they don't like with virtually no exceptions. That's pretty rude, don't you think? And the hosts make obnoxious comments towards the subject. They could be much more supportive.

Overall, the nature of the show ruins what it could have been.

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