Court of Limburg
From Requiem Limburg

Ruling Prince
His Grace Prince Heinrich von Stengel (Ventrue - Invictus) {NPC}
- Claimed praxis in februari 2007
The Court of Prince von Stengel
- Seneschal, Regent of Diepenbeek, Primogen - Marquis Gabri�«l Caluwaert (Ventrue - Invictus) {PC}
- Spiritual Advisor to the Prince - Lady Els Swennen (Daeva - Circle of the Crone) {PC}
- Master of Elysium, Regent of Riemst, Primogen - Dr. Gerhardt Thielemann - de Wit (Gangrel - Circle of the Crone) {PC}
- Harpy, Primogen - Gabri�«l LaMont (Mekhet - Ordo Dracul) {PC}