Ophelia Schwartz
From Requiem Limburg
Player - Hilde Heyvaert
Name - Ophelia Schwartz

to hope, to fear, to make yourself and others restless, fear death and look forward to it, and what is worse, never to know where you really stand.
SenecaQuote: Eternity is but a theory, when push comes to shove we are still subjected to mortality. Memento Mori: remember you'll die. For some death may come easy. And for others it will creep up on them unsuspectedly while they sleep...
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Clan - Mekhet (Status 0 - Relatively well known but on the obligatory enfant terrible that wants nothing to do with her Clan. Also because of her refusing to accept her Priscus [who is an incompetent twat] she'll likely never be accepted by her Clan at all.) Alucinor bloodline.
Age - Unknown, she seems to be relatively young (appears to be about 16-17), but as she refuses to speak of her age and past, other than she originates from L.A. and is half-Irish, there is little known about her.
Location - Currently she splits her time between Antwerp, Belgium and Tottenham Hale (London), UK. But as she is rather nomadic, she might move along again soon.
Specialties - Ghosts, Ghost hunting, oneiromancy, premonitions, psychology.
Deity worshipped - Triad Gods of Sleep: Morpheus, Phobethor and Phantasos. But mainly Morpheus. Strong sympathies towards the path of the Morrigan and a keen interest in many principles of the "Left Hand Path".
Brief history
Ophelia is a young Mekhet of Irish-American origin who generally likes to keep most information about her known only to a select few. What is known however, is that she specialises in Psychology, Oneiromancy and ghosts/ghost hunting. She still bears the scars from a pre-embrace encounter with a Poltergeist.
She seems to have a special link with the Ordo Dracul, and she is mostly seen in the company of members of the Ordo Dracul (she was in a coterie with a Mekhet Dragon [the recently murdered Erik/Ericsson], and she was the girlfriend of the late Joachim Winter, Ordo leader of the Benelux) and is concequentially rumoured to be responsible for the good relation between Dragons and Crone in Antwerp. Currently she seems to be especially close to Jorgo Proclaytova-Mecha (former Prince of Antwerp) whom she regards as an older brother. And to the Gangrel Dragon known as Daniel, who is rumoured to be her brother. They do seem to show an actual family recemblance in both appearance and personality.
Rebellious in nature, dangerous, stubborn and tempestous, always carrying at least one firearm, possessing the ability to see and communicate with ghosts and suffering from hallucinations, visions, premonitions, flashes from past, present and future and nightmares; Ophelia is most likely to be the most troubled Crone in Belgium. On more than one occasion she has turned around and has discretely displayed an unknown and often downright frightening power she seems to be able to use for scouting, predicting the future, destruction of the mind and mental healing. Her true heritage is known to but a selected few, and no one is aware of just how strong her powers of Insomnium are. Or whatever other powers she possesses.
As a Raven she recognises no authority of other Crones (and often no authority full stop) and does her utmost to avoid the Circle's authority figures at all cost, lest she avoids conflicts. The only exeption to this are Dokisha and Sarus who have some authority over her.
Together with the controversial Dermott Asa Arcane she started the Phantasma Society, a group of Kindred that studies ghosts and spirits.
Even tho Ophelia is a Citizen of the Carthian Freestate of Antwerp, she spends most of her time in Tottenham Hale, one of the London Burroughs and with the Crone Gangrel Elliott Grim.
She's very well aware that the vast majority of her Covenant (and several of other covenants too) would love to see her disappear permanently, but in fact she doesn't care one bit. She's quite content to live in her own world with a chosen few. In most cases she really does not care about what people think about her.
Ophelia is actually a member of the Ordo Dracul (Sworn of the Dying Light), infiltrating the Circle. The Dragons that she's seemingly close with are in fact her bodyguards.
Ophelia is seriously considering to leave the Circle for the Ordo Dracul.
She's made it her mission to do something about the Lemons & Oranges killer that is terrorizing London, going as far as cooperating with Mages and Uratha.
She's never without the company of an ancient and increadibly powerful passion shade ghost, that will protect her from harm, and that is quite capable of destroying a Kindred within seconds.
Ophelia has friends in extremely high places, hurting her will have concequences.
If she ever starts quoting Poe or another equally angsty author then it's time to run and not look back.
Ophelia didn't just get badly scarred in that poltergeist-attack, her sire decided to experiment during her embrace, which has caused her to be part ghost herself, possessing a range of numina (ghost powers).
Others about Ophelia Schwartz
- Marcel Vanerum of the Lancea Sanctum: "Mijn vader zaliger zei altijd da as ge niks goeds over iemand kunt zeggen, ge beter helemaal niks zegt." (Translation: "My late father always said that if you can't say anything good about someone, you better say nothing at all.")
- Alexandria Karuna High Priestess of the Circle of the Crone Limburg:"I guess we're more alike than we thought. Something which can be a good but also a bad thing. Only time will tell."
- Imanuel: "Zalige vouw. Praat te snel maar zalige vrouw.
- Dokisha of the Circle of the Crone : "She is underestimated by many. She has contacts in almost every nation. Her faith is unquestionable."