Pieter Laurens Segers

From Requiem Limburg

Revision as of 09:25, 1 September 2006 by Arno Vanbeginne (Talk | contribs)


Basic Information

  • Full name: Pieter Laurens Segers
  • Clan: Mekhet
  • Domain: Brabant/Belgium
  • Apparent age: 30
  • Specialities: Law, Diplomacy, Mortal Influences


  • Marquis of Brussels
  • Judex of the Invictus in domain Brabant
  • Primogen of Brabant
  • Seneschal of Brabant
  • Priscus of clan Mekhet in domain Brabant
  • Former Grand-Inquisitor of the Lancea Sanctum


Pieter Laurens Segers was born on the 14th of November in the year 1934 in the city of Leuven. He grew up on the old market, where his father and mother owned a small shop. His father is arrested and executed in 1943 by the gestapo because he was in the resistance. From that time young Pieter helped his mother in the shop. At the age of 16 Pieter started working in one of the few bars on the old market, it is here that he comes in contact with the world of law and justice. A customer of his was a lawyer who told the wildest stories in which he succesfully defended the innocent poor against the oppressing rich in the most impossible cases. At the age of 17 Pieter enrolls in the university of Leuven to study Law. When he graduates Summa Cum Laude in 1957, he started working at a very prestigious law-firm. Their customers were not the kind of people Pieter was used to: Ambassadors, CEO's, multinationals, but also the top of the criminal underworld. He starts his own little company in 1958 but also stayed at the other firm, he wanted to help the less fortunate people, people who didn't have millions to spend through this little company. Some years passed and Pieter became an excellent lawyer, one of his clients ambassador Coarelli of Italy invites Pieter to his place. It is here that Pieter meets Laura Alicia Coarelli, the ambassador's daughter. When Pieter is 29 they get married, Laura was 24 at the time. Soon after they are expecting a child, but the child, a son, is born dead. The troubles only start there for Pieter, because of the grief he has for the lost son, he accepts stranger and darker cases, inexplicable murders in which some poor innocent fellow is blamed. Police start working against him, evidence disappears and his office receives threats regularly.

One night on the 10th of September 1965 there is a gala at the italian embassy. Pieter and Laura are invited to attend, but just before they leave Pieter get's a call from a detective in Brussels about a strange case. A body was found riddled with wounds. One single wound would have been enough to kill an average man, but the body was decapitated and had a wooden stick through the hearth. If that wasn't enough the body had vanished quickly after it's discovery leaving only ashes. Pieter had heared about spontaneous combustion but this was insane. When he arrived at the crime scene a police officer let him in the appartment. When Pieter entered, the door was shut and locked from the outside, the lights went of and Pieter was embraced. At the same time Laura was embraced at the embacy by the Ventrue Cardinal de Bethune. Pieter's wife showed great ambition in her new unlife, they both joined the invictus and Pieter supported his wife an worked hard to get her into a place of power, until she became the Dutchess of Brabant in 2005. Pieter was only a Lord at that time. Because of his excellent legal knowledge he became the Judex of Belgium and ascended in rank to Baron. When his wife died in strange circumstances and The Earl of Leuven had dissappeared. Pieter became the Duke of Brabant very briefly, until the return of the earl who claimed the position. Pieter being out of control, without his wife to hold him back showed great ambition. He surrounded himself with the most powerfull kindred in Belgium. In November 2005 he was part of a succesful plot to depose the mad Prince de Sénancourt, causing the split of The Lowlands into seperate domains. A prince of Dubai claimed the title of Duke in brabant and Pieter became the Earl of Leuven and functioned as master of Elysium. Monseigneur de Bethune was in need of a capable Grand-Inquisitor but didn't have anyone in his covenant that could do the job, so he asked Pieter to do it. In the Winter of 2006 Pieter functioned as Whip for his clan, but they decided Pieter should be Priscus and he accepted. In Spring 2006 Pieter became involved internationally in the invictus. He helped the Prince of Brabant almost constantly and was promoted to Marquis of Brussels and began to function as the Seneshal of Brabant. In June He was approached by Karen Stoffels of the Ordo Dracul of Limburg. In July they aggreed to be married and got engaged. Around the same time Pieter was contacted by the Consul of the Invictus Senate, he asked if Pieter would function in the senate as the magistrate presenting The Lowlands and it's three domains, Pieter accpeted this great honour with much eagernes. Pieter died on August the 18th that same year at the monthly elysium in Leuven. The Prince of Brabant was under attack and Pieter rushed towards him. One second Pieter was gone using the powers of his clan and the next second he became visible rushing at high speed covered in flames towards the prince. The flames were extinguished and Pieter, who was badly burned, collapsed a few meters from his Prince. He started to heal himself under the protection of his vasals but died a few minutes later anyway, speaking the last word that came over his lips "Karen..." and then he turned to ashes. Just like Pieter himself and the requiem he experienced, so is his death a mistery...


About himself:

  • "Always tell the truth, but make it seem unbelievable so it is perceived as a lie."
  • "Nothing is illegal as long as it isn't noticed

About the Invictus:

  • "With order, stability and structure comes peace, tranquility and ultimatly serenity."
  • "Nobility should be earned, not inherited."
  • "Protect, educate and respect your vassals, for they will do the same to you twicefold."
  • "If it isn't broken don't try to fix it."


  • Has an extensive influence in mortal society.
  • Was a high profile lawyer during mortal life.
  • Had lots of contacts abroad.
  • Tried to provide for all of his covenant in Brabant and clan in The Lowlands.
  • Was extremely attracted to power and surrounded himself with powerful kindred.
  • Was once appointed ruler of Brabant by order of Duke Naryshkin
  • Was married to Laura Alicia Coarelli, Dutchess of Brabant
  • Was engaged to Karen Stoffels of the Ordo Dracul


  • Haven "The Emperor's Garden" is located on a hill just outside the centre of Leuven, Brabant
  • Killed his own wife in a hunger for power
  • Had plans to have the prince of Brabant killed and claim Praxis himself.
  • Was born in the 13th century
  • Killed his own sire right after the embrace.
  • Was in league with Belial's Brood
  • Killed Prince Filip de Sénancourt

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