Court of Antwerp

From Requiem Limburg

Revision as of 22:12, 20 February 2007 by Masqueradead (Talk | contribs)


  • Senechal: Kaspar Naryskin, Ventrue Carthian
  • Keeper of the Elysium: James Field, Daeva Crone
  • Harpy of her Majesty: Thomas Vexille, Mekhet Unaligned
  • Sheriff: Hendrik Buckinkx, Nosferatu Carthian
  • Deputies: Alexander Smeets and Vanessa Geeraerts, Hendrik Buckinkx's ghouls
  • Hound: Dravik Thiersson, Gangrel Carthian
  • Ambassador: Kaspar Naryshkin, Ventrue Carthian
  • Primogen: Dokisha, Kaspar Naryshkin, Dravik Thiersson, Nadia Borremans and James Field
  • Prisci:


The Old Traditions are enforced in Antwerp.
Failure to adhere to them will result in punishment.


Dravik Thiersson of the Gangrel, Carthian Movement: Hound
Hendrik Buckinkx of the Nosferatu, Carthian Movement: Sheriff ad Interim

The Scourge: identity known to her Majesty

Unofficial: Malinas coterie
James Field: Scourge
Carter Bale: Priest
David Grange: Charger
Marcus Erana: Stormtrooper (deceased)

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