Character Creation

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  • Attribute spread: 8/6/4, plus two floating points.
  • Ability dots: 30.
  • Ten Charms at character generation, three MUST be Knacks.
  • Lunar Hero Style: Form weapon is limited to any weapon with an M-tag. No spamming Thousand Claws with a concussive Essence cannon.
  • Lunars can learn the first circle of Necromancy or the second circle of Sorcery.
  • Lunars cannot learn Sidereal astrology or any other out-of-type native ability under ANY circumstance, not even with custom Knacks.
  • Silver Pact Lunars can have up to 10 Backgrounds, but are restricted from Salary, Celestial Manse, and Liege.
  • Lunars can learn SMA with great difficulty due to the Wyld influence on their Exaltation (like Solars, provided they have a teacher).
    • XP Costs: 13 if favored, 15 if not, training times fully enforced.


  • Attribute spread: 8/6/4.
  • Ability dots: for ronin, 30. For Bureau Sids, 35. Specs pending.
  • Ten Charms for Ronin, three MUST be Excellencies. Twelve Charms for Bureau Sids.
  • No SMA at character generation, period. Ronin cannot learn SMA at all, nor Sidereal astrology.
  • Sidereals can learn the first circle of Necromancy or the second circle of Sorcery.
  • Violet Bier of Sorrows Style: No higher than form at chargen.
  • Dice adder cap is now Permanent Essence + the relevant ability.
  • Sidereals do not take Limit merely from being in the presence of other Sidereals. Nor do they use the "flawed fates" system; limit break is predicated upon their primary Virtue just as other Exalted.


  • Attribute spread: 8/6/4.
  • Ability dots: 35.
  • Ten Charms, three MUST be Excellencies.
  • In order to take Dark Messiah Style you MUST HAVE A WHISPERS BACKGROUND OF AT LEAST 3. No exceptions.
  • Abyssals cannot take Face, Salary, Arsenal, or Celestial Manse.
  • Moonshadows, like Eclipses, cannot learn out-of-type Excellencies but can still take outside Charms if allowed.


  • Attribute spread: 7/6/5.
  • Ability dots: 30 for outcastes, 35 for Dynastic/Lookshyan Dragon-Blooded.
  • Eight Charms at chargen, two must be Excellencies.
  • Immaculate martial artists take Moment of Daana'd and Pasiap's Humility free at chargen, independent of their charm slots.
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