Nellens Seneca

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Character Dossier

Name: Nellens Seneca
Exalt: Sidereal
Caste: Secrets
Motivation: Profile and investigate all the forgotten gods from ancient times
Concept: Brilliant but erratic problem-solver

Attributes and Abilities


Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 6*, Wits 4


Caste: Investigation 4, Lore 3, Occult 3, Larceny 2, Stealth 2
Favored: Bureaucracy 2, Awareness 3, Integrity 2, Martial Arts 4
Other: Linguistics 1 (Native: High Realm, Other: Old Realm), Socialize 2, Dodge 3, Performance 3, Resistance 4 (Working While Intoxicated +2), Melee 2



Salary 1 (She's... a bit out of disfavor.)
Sifu 2
Savant 3
Backing 1 (Convention of Forgotten Gods)
Artifact 2 (Discreet essence armor, see below)
Artifact 2 (Starmetal hook daiklaves, see below)
Celestial Manse 1 (Ever-open eye, must roll Sta+Res at increased difficulty per day after 48 hours. Hallucinations on failure.)
Artifact 2 (Starmetal hearthstone bracers, as per core)

Willpower, Virtues, and Intimacies

Willpower: 6
Virtues: Compassion 2, Temperance 3, Conviction 3, Valor 2
Intimacies: Cults (destructive), Alethia Halevi (elder sister, protective)

Health and Essence

Health: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incap
Essence: 3
Personal Essence Pool: 12
Peripheral Essence Pool: 34
Experience: 0 xp

Merits and Flaws

Merit: Legendary Intelligence (+3): Girl's a smartypants. It almost makes up for her laundry list of mental issues. ...almost.
Merit: Eidetic Memory (+3): Exactly what it sounds like. She's got perfect recall.
Flaw: Derangement (Manic Depression) (-2): Seneca suffers from crippling mood swings which often affect her ability to function. Take penalties to Temperance and Conviction, respectively.
Flaw: Vice (Addiction) (-2): A while ago Seneca discovered a certain bordermarch in the East, containing a spring with waters from which she can have her assistant distill a tonic that can keep her "spells" relatively infrequent. However, it has this tendency to shift locations and the route is not the safest in the world, making it a bit more difficult to obtain than something more common like heroin (though she is a heavy binge drinker, she only goes that far when things are really bad).
Flaw: Nightmares (-3): ....ahahaha she is never going to have any willpower.
Flaw: Unbidden Oracle (-2): Seneca has been plagued with disturbing insights into the workings of Creation since her childhood, an intimate connection to the Loom that has persisted beyond her Exaltation. It doesn't exactly help her reputation in the Bronze Faction as the Manse's resident crackpot.

Combat Statistics

Defense Statistics

  • Dodge DV:
  • Parry DV:
  • Mental Dodge DV:
  • Mental Parry DV:


  • Unarmored
    • Standard: 3B/2L/0A
  • Discreet Essence Armor
    • Soak +5L/3B, Hardness +2L/2B, Mob 0, Fatigue 0, Attune 5m

Combat Statistics

  • Clinch
    • Standard: Spd 6, Dmg +0B, Rate 1, Tags C,N,P
  • Kick
    • Standard: Spd 5, Dmg +3B, Rate 2, Tag N
  • Punch
    • Standard: Spd 5, Acc +1, Dmg +0B, Rate 3, Tag N
  • Starmetal hook daiklaves, Penance and Justice
    • Standard: Spd 5, Acc +2, Dmg +4L, Def +3, Rate 3, Tag 2/M/R, Attune 4m



  • Prior Warning: Make reflexive Wits+Awareness roll, success protects against unexpected attacks. 6m.


  • Absence: As the Solar Dodge charm "Shadow Over Water" (see Exalted 2e core). 2m.
  • Duck Fate: Perfect dodge, 10m.


  • 3rd Integrity Excellency: Reroll original roll, take the higher of the two successes. Cannot combo with other Excellencies or charms.


  • Optimistic Security Practice: 5m, Simple [Spd 5 DV-1]. Add Essence in B/L/A soak.
  • Someone Else's Destiny: Reflexive activation when poisoned/drugged; transfer effect to an opponent upon successful lethal damage-dealing attack. 4m.
  • Heartless Maiden Trance: 8m+1wp. Negate all penalties until charm ends. Considered outside fate.


  • 2nd Investigation Excellency: Success buyer, cost variable.
  • Efficient Secretary Technique: Cough up a spider, ask for info. 1m.

Martial Arts: Snake Style

  • Striking Cobra Technique: Add MA score to Join Battle. 3m.
  • Serpentine Evasion: +2 to Dodge/Parry DV. Reflexive (Step 2), 3m, Combo-OK.



  • The Sword 1
  • The Sorcerer 2
  • The Key 2
  • The Mask 2

Personal Record

A series of excerpts from a dossier regarding one Nellens Seneca, operative of the Forbidding Manse of Ivy. Much of the file, like that of many Sidereals on special missions, is sealed per order of the Convention on Oversight.

Personality Assessment

Extremely intelligent and imaginative. Brilliant investigator; unique insights. Possesses a strong connection to the Loom of Fate that could be a useful exploit in field work.

Further observation in this regard is sealed from public view (submit document FMOI-8294-YS for viewing clearance).

Potential drawbacks: Erratic. Prone to bursts of recklessness and intemperate behavior, irregularly alternating with severe depression. Possible substance addiction. Reckless in execution of mission objectives; often unreliable for mundane work.


Weight: 138 lbs
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Green
Distinguishing marks: None noted.
Additional notes: Reassigned to Convention of Forbidden Gods pending possible transfer to Water.


Basic Information

Name: Nellens Seneca
Approximate Hire Date: Season of Violet Bier, IS 4946.
Additional Notes: Violet Bier physicians suspect that Agent Nellens suffers from a chronic derangement of some variety, possibly from some unknown element of supernatural exposure but little else is known at this juncture.

Bloodline Record

NOTE: This is a matter of public record for purposes of the Terrestrial Bloodline Archival Project. --Chejop Kejak, Capital Convention Chair
Mother: Masik Kenira. Occupation: city librarian. Terrestrial strain #642.
Father: Nellens Datasi. Occupation: civil servant.
Birthplace/Date: Lord's Crossing, Scarlet Prefecture, RY 738/IS 4928.
Marital Status: Single
Dependents: None.


(Addenda, referrals, and other additional documentation. For Departmental Use Only.)

Agent Nellens has been relieved of her posting in the Capital Convention pending audit. Please refer to progress review archive for further information (clearance must be obtained from a Department Head or Deputy Director). --Justicar Five Storms Laughter, Celestial Censor

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