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[edit] Solars

  • No out-of-type Excellencies in combos with native abilities.
  • You can learn SMAs, but no way in hell do you get them at chargen. Ditto to Adamant Circle Sorcery (and spirit charms, if you're an Eclipse).
  • Learning native-Exalt abilities is right out. That means no shapeshifting, no Defense Against Anathema, and no bloody astrology.
  • Heavenly Guardian Defense is not valid against everything ever. You can parry the Mask of Winters' deathblow. You cannot parry a lake of acid with it, that's ridiculous.

[edit] Lunars

  • Bad moonpuppies. No DV cap-breaking for you.
  • I don't give a flying crap what the errata said, you do NOT get to use your DV as a static value.
  • Also, Lunar Hero? Limited to all weapons with the M-tag. No Lunars with mounted concussive essence cannons and Thousand Claws Infliction in my games plz. That's not cool, it's godmoding and it's lame.
  • You use 8/6/4 with a floating attribute like the book says. Maybe two if I'm feeling generous. "Real Deal," besides being a rather silly concept, has no place in a game where Lunars don't need 3452346626 dice to own everything in the face.
  • Blinking Eye of Chaos only works in the Wyld. Period.
  • YOU CANNOT HACK THE LOOM TO GET SIDEREAL ASTROLOGY WITH YOUR MAD WYLD SKILLZ. STOP ASKING. If you want astrology you can take the mortal version like everyone else (including ronin Sids, the poor saps, though they still have a leg up on you because they instinctively read the stars).
  • The Charm that lets you craft artifacts like a Shaping grace? Yeah, it doesn't make an artifact higher than your permanent Essence in dots. And you cannot make Artifact N/A anything with that, period. If you ask me for the Mantle of Brigid I'll laugh at you and look at you funny.

[edit] Sidereals

  • No DV cap-breaking for you people, either. Especially not you people, you're a bunch of cheating assholes.
  • I've rearranged VBoS. Blade of the Battle Maiden comes after the form instead of before, and the Join Battle add-on is not permanent until you have mastered the pinnacle.
  • Hahaha no SMA for you at chargen. I'd prefer that you make Essence 5 before you even consider it, since most SMAs require that anyway.
  • Ronin *are* allowed colleges, but they are confined to their caste and cannot take resplendent destinies. Oh - and have fun with the Paradox you have no idea how to flense from yourself because you aren't trained to do it.
  • Ronin don't get the prayer strip charms either. You wouldn't know how to write them anyway. You *are* allowed to study TMA and CMA as usual, however. With the exception of VBoS.
  • No ronin in Siddie-only games. Unless they're, like, just caught and being trained or something.
  • Conversely, no Bureau Siddies in mixed-Exalt games.
  • Athletics Charm changes: Graceful Crane Stance is the first charm in the tree, with Forward-Thinking and Unswerving Juggernaut combined (as the latter is really an add-on to FTT at one more permanent Essence and 10 motes).
  • Ox-Body Technique is extended in my games to either -0 x 2 or -1 x 1 health levels, up to your Resistance. Because Sids are squishy, half their MAs and defensive Charms don't allow armor, and I don't believe in letting my PCs get squished because John Chambers likes to punish people for playing Sidereals.

[edit] Dragon-Blooded

  • I'm still working on this, but their socials seriously need a boost.
  • The text infers it, but they needed to come out and say it. So. Immaculate martial artists receive the spirit charms free, and two secular charms in addition to their Dragon Path, at chargen. I do this because there are Cloister grads who are Immaculate MAists but not monks.
  • No SMAs, no breaking the dice cap.
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