20 Random Facts About Amethyst
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Revision as of 14:26, 3 November 2007 by (Talk)
- 1. Amethyst is the youngest child and the only girl out of a family full of boys.
- 2. She has a closer connection to the Loom of Fate even than most other Sidereals, which manifests itself as oracular pronouncements (usually at the worst of times).
- 3. Amethyst's innocence is partially a defense mechanism: she prefers behaving as though she were utterly clueless because it's easier to deny the things she doesn't want to think about - like the fact that her mother resented and feared her, and considered her a burden and a curse.
- 4. Her Limit Break manifests in two different ways - she'll either exhaust herself trying to make other people happy, or retreat further into childish behavior to make herself happy. Either way, she's probably guaranteed to drive any companions absolutely batty.
- 5. While she is Compassion 5, Amethyst is not a pacifist.
- 6. Her favorite cookies are snickerdoodles.
- 7. She writes daily letters to the pattern spiders with cookies enclosed, should she have them. What Amethyst doesn't realize is that her routine is a form of Wrapped Fly Ritual, and thus prevents her from taking paradox.
- 8. Though it may seem odd Amethyst has two different resplendent destinies that represent herself. One is Amethyst Ferem the Sidereal Exalt, under the college of the Sorcerer and wearing the trappings of a divinely-appointed seeress and advisor. The other, Amethyst as herself (in order to interact with mortals as... well, as herself), is under the college of the Rising Smoke.
- 9. Most of the Bronze Faction think this little bluesid is fluffy and brainless. In point of fact, Amethyst is something of a borderline genius.
- 10. She's also a giant history nerd, and tends to be able to figure things out that most Sidereals wouldn't think about simply because her thought processes are a little strange.
- 11. Amethyst's fighting style (at least in her current iteration) is the Silver-Voiced Nightingale, which might seem an odd choice until one views what those charms actually do. It's heavily support-based, with only a few attack charms, making it perfect for her. She's also a fair balance between social and fighty. Honestly Amethyst's combat skills are mostly dodge charms, because she's too tiny and fragile to really take hits well.
- 12. Despite popular belief it is, in fact, theoretically possible for her to lose her innocence... but it'd probably be her sacrifice to learn sorcery.
- 13. Amethyst isn't interested in sex simply because... well, she's not interested. However, she's very much a romantic.
- 14. She desperately, desperately wants people to like her. Fortunately, this is easy by dint of the fact that's she very open, honest, and gentle, and forgiving of nearly everyone's failings and faux pas.
- 15. My smallest character at 4'10" and 85 pounds, enough so to take the Small flaw. She isn't quite a dwarf but she's close.
- 16. Created partially as a joke, partially to prove a point - point being that it was possible to RP a Chosen of Serenity who wasn't a skeezy slutbag. I succeeded! :D ...I think.
- 17. Amethyst's former incarnation was a legendary peacemaker and close confidante of Chejop Kejak. It's part of the reason that she was retrieved so quickly, and when she was taken to Yu-Shan her predecessor's artifacts and townhouse were waiting for her there.
- 18. While the Bronze and Gold Factions might roll their eyes at her behind her back, neither Kejak nor Ayesha Ura actively dislike her. They do, however, believe that she's currently unfit for the scope of her position's demands and think that field work will either temper her or break her. Let's poke it and see what happens! ;
- 19. Actually, they're right. Amethyst spent her childhood in near-complete isolation and went from one shelter to another with Heaven, surviving its politics only by grace of the fact that anyone who'd try to discredit her... well, let's just say that none of them are creative enough to come up with a rumor that doesn't involve hobaggery, and no one in the Fivescore Fellowship (or the Bureau of Destiny for that matter) believe Amethyst is capable of masturbation, much less sex. They're halfway right. >_>;;;
- 20. Amethyst is a combination of "magical girl" and "everyone's little sister" tropes, based off of Orihime (Bleach), Flonne (Disgaea), Chiyo (Azumanga Daioh) and a little bit of Tohru (Fruits Basket).