Heaven's Mirror
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"Why are they called Heaven's Mirror?"
"Watch and you'll see for yourself."
He sucked in a sharp breath as a brilliant light caught his eye, brighter than the others. One of the tightly closed buds was unfurling, silken white petals opening to the night air, and within the flower rested a perfect shimmering mote of violet light. The others followed suit in quick succession, opening their petals until the endless field of flowers glittered, mirroring the sky above. A soft breeze tossed petals skyward, fragrant with a subtly sweet scent, until it seemed as if heaven and Creation were all one breathtaking expanse of hidden perfection.
Sidereal demesnes are relatively rare in Creation, and accordingly so is this plant. The flower only blooms at night, and only during a new moon phase. As a result it is a sight few mortals have ever seen, but there are records of them dating back to the First Age. The plant is highly prized by wealthy Dynasts and horticulturists alike, and those with the resources and knowledge to raise them occasionally have a small sheltered area filled with them. Heaven's Mirrors are indicated in several thaumaturgical rituals, and certain remote areas in the Threshold - mostly those which see the plant in any number - believe that the flowers guard against crib death in infants. The flowers absorb sunlight and Essence through their closed buds, and release them into the demesne with their blooming.
To the superstitious the flowers are also known as Death Lights. It is thought that this is perhaps because they bloom at night, but given that the released motes of Essence manifest as tiny sparks of violet light, this could be an alternate explanation as well.