The Rani

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image: ranipic.png
The Rani
Character Journal: [chemist_rani]
Race: Time Lord
Home Planet: Gallifrey
Home Era: post-Rani Reaps the Whirlwind
Affiliated with: no one yet
Writer: Danii


Basic Character Information

Entry Point

Just after the events of The Rani Reaps the Whirlwind

Physical Description

A tall, imposing brunette with a sort of severe beauty, light green eyes, and a near-perpetual sneer. Sometimes it's a sneer of superiority, sometimes it's a sneer of amusement, and sometimes it's a sneer of irritation and/or disgust, but it's usually a sneer. She tends to wear pseudo-futuristic clothing which looks like something between 50's space pirate and 80's high fashion and tends towards black and red. And boots. Always boots.


Superior, easily irritated, impatient (with people, not her work), and usually somewhat smug, the Rani does not suffer fools gladly and is more than willing to deliver a tongue lashing to any who might stumble into her path. While she isn't needlessly cruel, neither does she show much concern for the suffering of most lesser species and sees no trouble in killing people to do what she feels needs doing; you could probably squeeze more sympathy out of a rock than out of her. She does nothing at random; every action and reaction she has is towards a purpose, and she will never 'waste' resources (ie people) unless necessary.

She also has a tendency to hit people who touch her equipment without asking.  ::looks at the Master::


The Rani @ Wikipedia

  • they explain her history just fine and they do it with shiny links as well

Additional Information

none as of yet

Random Facts

  • is a vegetarian
  • has a condition of the lungs that requires medication for her to breath properly on Earth due to the humidity
  • the device on her wrist has eight compartments (along with the Strattenheim control), the contents of which change occassionally; one holds her pills
  • rules Miasimia Goria absolutely
  • isn't all that good at thermodynamics
  • vaguely wants to lock the Doctor and the Master in a room and save the rest of the universe a lot of trouble
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