Fifth Doctor (Alt 16)

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The Doctor
Character Journal: Behind Blue Eyes
Race: Time Lord
Home Planet: Gallifrey
Home Era: Pre-Time War
Affiliated with: Melissa Talmadge, Nyssa of Traken
Writer: Neutral Alienist


Basic Character Information

Alternate Universe

The Doctor leaves Gallifrey in the same manner as he does in the dominant reality, with his granddaughter and a stolen ship. As he travels with her, and later Ian and Barbara, he grows pessimistic about the universe, wonder fading in favour of cynicism as he witnesses opression and bloodshed. After leaving Susan on a wartorn Earth and finally returning his first companions home, he decides it's time to do something about it.

It's obvious that people can't be trusted to run their own worlds; it leads only to suffering and chaos. So he decides to do it for them.

Eventually he spills blood in the name of the greater good. It becomes easier with time; he knows it's for the best, and these deaths will not be in vain. Sometimes, there is no other way.

By his Fifth incarnation, he has enslaved a number of worlds, leaving trusted lieutenants to oversee them in his absence and give him periodic updates, or calls to return. His name is equally venerated and feared, adored and despised. He has become ruthless, callous, obsessed with his vision of the universe.

There is one person who continues to challenge him. He was a cunning, innovative activist in his youth, as fed up with Gallifrey as the Doctor was. Their paths are separate, but both are called renegade.

Koschei was once a friend. Now, he will do everything in his power to keep the universe from the Doctor's hands.

Entry Point

He has just assassinated Davros, in his version of Resurrection of the Daleks.

Physical Description

His features are soft and sweet, giving him the visage of youth and innocence. His eyes are a dark blue, changing their contents at his whim, always holding depths beyond the perception of most beings. His blond hair gently frames his face, brushing the collar of the black velvet frock coat he often wears. Most of his preferred clothing is dark and elegant, tailored perfectly to his lithe but fit frame. He'll often wear matching gloves, occasionally a panama hat. At times he'll don a pair of glasses.


The Doctor is very driven, to the point of being ruthless. Though he often acts amiable he's probably manipulating you, or might well be silently planning your inconspicuous death – or conspicuous murder, if it suits him. He doesn't look for carnage but it doesn't bother him overmuch; what must be done must be done. He will, at times, feel regret, remorse, but he doesn't let it stop him. He's made so much progress, and he can't allow all the hard work, all the bloodshed go to waste.

His sense of humour can shift from subtle wryness to biting sarcasm in an instant, usually caused by wilful ignorance and frustrating stubbornness. He believes himself always to be in the right, and becomes irritated when others don't see it that way. He is, after all, only trying to help them. He realises that some would call him evil, and though he will admit that some of his actions over the centuries have been distasteful, he would consider those people quite misguided and probably give them a lecture as to why.

He usually has a companion, someone to watch his back, aid him however they can. In turn he teaches them, molds them, and eventually leaves them to carry on his work elsewhere. He does care for them, in his way, and takes care to show it in just the right amounts. He's protective of them, though not to the point of recklessness.

Additional Information

Random Facts

  • Is short-sighted in his right eye, but does sometimes simply use his glasses for show.
  • Enjoys honey, fine wine and distant stars.
  • Thinks Earth has some of the finest composers, and can often be found humming along to their music.
  • Finds torture distasteful, but is very good at it anyway. Finds weapons crude, but knows how to use a great deal of them. Finds death regrettable, but has long handed it out.
  • Is a bit decadent. Sometimes he needs to remind himself of the little things that bring pleasure.
  • Fixed his chameleon circuit, but often has his TARDIS remain as a police box.
  • Is comfortable with his sexuality, and will use it to his advantage, but is never controlled by it. Romance has never been a priority.

OOC-Only Information

  • The last time he felt guilt, the first time in centuries, was when Adric died. It's left him more anxious, more worried, less confident.
  • His companions are, in essence, the people he doesn't have to sacrifice. He will go to great lengths to keep them safe. He tries not to let enemies realise they can be used against him.
  • Every single thing he does or says is calculated to how it would best serve his purpose. He is always manipulating, always scheming. Some emotions are genuine, but even he isn't entirely sure which they are anymore.
  • He is incredibly protective of his current companions, moreso than he's used to. He cherishes Nyssa's innocence, even as he uses it to suit his purposes. He admires Melissa, and feels for her the closest he's come to love in a very long time.

Current Companions

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