Harry Sullivan (Alt 11)

From Relativespace

Harry Sullivan
Harry Sullivan
Character Journal: [drharrysullivan]
Race: Human
Home Planet: Earth
Home Era: circa 2000
Affiliated with: TJ (alt 11), Anna Walsh, John Benton
Writer: Nic


Basic Character Information

Entry Point

Not long after TJ disappeared (having arrived in this universe)


Much like that of this universe's Harry Sullivan circa Robot.


Harry, Surgeon Lieutenant in the Navy, joined UNIT in the seventies, as the Medical Officer. He met the Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith when the latter was pregnant with a child - TJ. Although he later left UNIT and joined a private practice, he stayed Sarah's first port of call when it came to medical matters with her half-human child.

However, Harry is skeptical of the existence of aliens and the possibility of time travel, despite the available evidence. He worries that Sarah has either been brainwashes by the Doctor, or is carrying on some kind of elaborate wind-up at his expense. Part of his reason for not believing is that it annoys Sarah. It hasn't stopped the two of them from staying friends, though.

Additional Information

OOC-only Character Information

  • Is in love with Sarah but has never told her.
  • Once nearly married a woman called Emilie until Sarah found out she was only marrying him to stay in the country.
  • Dated a girl called Ellen Young at medical school and unbeknownst to him, she was pregnant when they split up. When he found out they made an arrangement so Tommy never found out Harry was really his father.
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