Jo Grant

From Relativespace

Jo Grant
Jo Grant
Character Journal: [unit_girl]
Race: Human
Home Planet: Earth
Home Era: circa 2000
Affiliated with: Three, Charley Pollard, Sarah Jane Smith
Writer: Nic


Basic Character Information

Entry Point

Not long after The Green Death


Jo joined UNIT as a result of asking her uncle at Geneva for a favour. She had left school and was looking for a job with a bit of excitement, as well as being too lazy to fill in application forms and write her CV.

The Brigadier assigned her to be the Doctor's assistant, which the Doctor didn't appreciate at first because of Jo's lack of scientific knowledge. She proved her worth to him, though, and she learnt much from him.

She later met a man, Professor Cliff Jones, who she much admired, who asked her to marry him and take a trip to the Amazon to look for a fungus. She agreed and left the Doctor.

Additional Information

When the 70s and 80s disappear, Jo survives because she has picked up a Protocol 12-7 communicator just before. Although she suddenly finds herself in London, outside Sarah's house and in the future.

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