Nine (Alt 17)

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The Doctor
Character Journal: Before the Curse of Fatal Death
Race: Time Lord
Home Planet: Gallifrey
Home Era: Post-Time War
Affiliated with: Emma
Writer: Julie


Basic Character Information

Entry Point

After the 8th Doctor's regeneration into the 9th.

Physical Description

The Doctor currently sports a highly Byronic look -- he continues to have a fondness for dark velvet frock coats, a natty waistcoat and a cravat tie. His hair is deep brown and longish, hanging in waves about his face and parted on the left side. His facial features are not quite as dreamy as his eighth incarnation, but his strong nose, dark brows and mobile face are striking and memorable all the same. He has a medium build, and is neither the tallest nor the shortest of the incarnations, but the romantic era attire belies an energy that allows him to fight or run down corridors and through quarries with the best of them.


The Doctor's current incarnation is very much a combination of Doctors Seven & Eight -- he has the dark colouration of Seven and his wry wit (not to mention a slight manipulative streak), but the romantic fashion & coiffure sense of Eight...not to mention the fact that he doesn't mind kissing (and doing more with) his companion du jour.


The 8th Doctor's participation in the Time War eventually caused his regeneration into his 9th incarnation -- his present form. Due to the amnesia which plagued him during his previous incarnation, most of the details are hidden from him in a 'Fog of War'. But all the same, there is a world-weariness which haunts The Doctor, and would have made him extremely brooding, depressed and generally insufferable if it were not for his newest companion, a plucky Earth girl named Emma.

Despite his glowering looks, Emma coaxed The Doctor out of his black moods and eventually won his heart(s) and his love. She is the only companion that The Doctor has ever been physically intimate with, and he recently proposed to her -- of course, she happily accepted. Once the wedding is over, The Doctor has plans to settle down in some quiet place with Emma, perhaps raise a family...but as for his previous job of constantly saving the universe? He's through with it. He's quitting, he's done his time, and someone else will have to stick up for the place in his absence. His tour of duty is over, thank you very much.

At the moment, The Doctor has dropped off Emma temporarily on Earth so that she can go shopping for her wedding dress. He was intending to pick her back up at an agreed-upon time so that they could take a spin around the galaxy and generally say farewell to his old adversaries, particularly The Master -- he knows that he can run into that sneaky villain on the planet Tersurus. However...while he was waiting for Emma, the 12-7 communicator appeared on the TARDIS console, and The Doctor couldn't help activating it. Now he finds himself dragged into this sordid business of saving the universe again...but if he doesn't, it won't matter what colour cummerbund he picks out for the wedding, because there won't be any reality to get married in! But he'll have you know, he's quite put out about this entire affair.

Additional Information

Random Facts

  • Fluent in the language of the denizens of Tersurus -- i.e., a smell-based idiom based on the controlled breaking of wind.
  • Whatever the question is, he "will explain later."
  • Has recently calculated that he has saved every planet in the known universe a minimum of 27 times.
  • Daleks don't have noses.

OOC-only Character Information

  • Can be extremely 'Meta' on occasion in his comments.
  • He's a snarky bastard, when he gets in the mood.
  • This is The Doctor who notices bosoms (Peri, beware!).
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