Sarah Jane Smith (Older)

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Sarah Jane
Sarah Jane Smith
Character Journal: [nomovingon]
Race: human
Home Planet: Earth
Home Era: 2006
Affiliated with: Four, Harry Sullivan, Josh Townsend, Natalie Redfern, Sarah Jane Smith (younger), K-9, Ten, Rose Tyler, Anna Walsh
Writer: Jewels


Basic Information

Entry Point

After School Reunion and after Dreamland (the audio)

Biography: Before the Doctor

Sarah Jane Smith was born on the 28th of May, 1946, in Liverpool, England. She was the only child of Nigel Collins Smith, a local businessman, and Alice Trent Smith. Tragically, her parents were to play only a limited part in her life, as in 1951 they were both killed in an automobile accident. Five-year-old Sarah Jane was taken under the care of her aunt, Lavinia Smith, the noted virologist, and grew up under the wing of that strong female figure.

Everyone who knew her as a child remembers her as quite a tomboy, always interested in exploring and continually allowing her curiosity to get the better of her. She developed an odd coterie of friends, often preferring the company of adults to those her own age.

She always seemed to be around the grownups, asking questions about what they were doing and frequently making a nuisance of herself. And she preferred the more unusual characters: one of her favorites was an elderly chap who was rumoured to have been a poacher in his younger days, though he was never caught at it. He even taught her how to use a rifle, a skill she was quite pleased with.

Doctor Smith took pains to give her charge a suitable education, eventually sending her off to Caterham School for Girls, a reputable but forward-looking establishment whose headmistress had views on the place of women in society that accorded with that of both Smiths. Young Sarah Jane made her mark at the school in three respects: as an excellent student with a gift for communicating, as one of the fastest field hockey players, and as something of a maverick, inclined to simply ignore any rules that didn't make sense to her.

After finishing at Caterham, she went on to the University of Nottingham. Her first real romance came when she met Andrew Lofts, an ambitious student one year ahead of her whose goal was to become a television journalist. However, she does not credit Lofts for her choice of journalism as a career. Her aunt had encouraged her to go into science, as she had done, but young Sarah Jane had other ideas.

She became engaged to Andrew during his last year at Nottingham; however, this did not last. After three years of dedicated work on the university magazine, she had been rewarded with the position of editor for her final year. Going with Lofts would have meant losing that opportunity as well as not completing her degree. After much soul-searching, she chose to break the engagement. (Lofts went on to become a very successful television reporter, specializing in the Middle East. He was killed a while ago while covering the civil strife in Beirut.)

She graduated with honors and went into a rather peripatetic apprenticeship, doing stints at various local newspapers. She began with a small Liverpool weekly, then opted to get away from familiar ground and moved to Scarborough. A year there, then two years in Manchester, and she took on the big time, moving down to London.

She remembers this as one of the most challenging periods in her life. Her job on one of the Manchester dailies had not given her the opportunities she craved, since her editor kept pushing her toward the women's pages when her interest, as now, lay more in the direction of investigative reporting.

But at this point Sarah Jane's career takes a most unusual turn. As one of her more adventurous attempts to get a story, she actually impersonated her aunt and managed to worm her way into a top-security government research centre. The United Nations Intelligence Taskforce (UNIT) was providing security there at the time, and somehow she ended up working with them.

Biography: After the Doctor

Sarah first appeared in the Third Doctor serial The Time Warrior, where she had managed to infiltrate a top secret research facility by posing as her aunt, Lavinia Smith, a famous virologist. She sneaked into the TARDIS while the Doctor was preparing to follow the trail of a kidnapped scientist through time, and became embroiled in the subsequent adventure.

During her time with the Doctor, she encountered Daleks, Cybermen, antimatter creatures on the most distant planet in the universe, android mummies in 1911 England, ancient evils in 15th century Italy and other dangers, until the Doctor received a summons to his home planet Gallifrey and could not take her along.

Sarah had a flat in South Croydon, where the Doctor tried to drop her off at the end of The Hand of Fear (but, typically, did not get the coordinates quite right. In fact, it was finally revealed in School Reunion, 30 years later, that she had not been dropped off in Croydon, but in Aberdeen, Scotland). When the Doctor did not return for her (despite having left K-9 Mark III, a robot dog, as a gift) she believed him to be dead, until she encountered his TARDIS in School Reunion.

After coming home, she got a job here and there until she got hired at Planet Three. She got her own show where she did undercover investigations to bring down big corporations and things. However after accusing a company of something which turned out to be false, she was fired.

With her friend Nat (who also worked at Planet Three) she started to do her own investigations and was working at a bank when it was robbed. Her life was saved by Josh Townsend, who would become her best friend and lover, and her guardian angel. It turned out that Hilda Winters wanted her dead and tried to kill her on several occassions, though Josh saved her each time.

Turns out it was worse then she imagined. A cult called the Orbus Postramo (Orphans of the Future) was divided into two chapters: The White Chapter and the Red Chapter. The White Chapter believed aliens were coming with a comet to save Earth, but the Red Chapter believed the aliens were coming to wipe everyone out. Their Book of Tomorrows talked of a woman called the Herald, whos name was Sarah and whose initials were SJS and looked just like Sarah Jane. The Red Chapter wanted to kill her, and the White Chapter wanted to save her. The Red Chapter had hired Hilda to kill Sarah.

Josh had been sent to save Sarah from the Red Chapter, and eventually they got rid of the Red Chapter, but almost paid the price when Josh and Sarah went up into space on the Dauntless, the pilot turned out to be from the Red Chapter, and shot Josh, leaving Sarah to asphyxiate.

Somehow, unknown to her she and Josh had been saved. But how? Why?

About Sarah Jane Smith

  • Comes from a point on the timeline after the Sarah Jane Smith audio Dreamland where she's been rescued somehow from the Dauntless with Josh.
  • Best friends and loves Josh Townsend and Natalie Redfern
  • Has been sleeping with Josh Townsend for a while now.
  • Has always loved Four and Harry Sullivan
  • Beat up Nine once
  • Four came to see Sarah Jane and they had a long discussion about what had happened between them so long ago. Eventually, though with alot of crap in between, Sarah admitted how much she was in love with the Doctor and the Doctor told her he loved her back
  • Has been sleeping with Four ever since
  • Went to go get Harry with Four and picked back up sleeping with him since they had been sleeping together during their time with Four back in the 70s
  • Picking up Nat from her timeline meant going to Nevada where Josh and Sarah Jane were on the Dauntless still. It was figured out that with creating a paradox, they got into the TARDIS and rescued themselves with the help of the Doctor and Harry. Sarah realized it had been the TARDIS she had seen in the Dauntless that many months ago.
  • So for the record, she's currently in love with and sleeping with Four, Harry Sullivan, Josh Townsend and Natalie Redfern. She also slept with Rose Tyler (Alt #1) once.
  • Stays in Four's TARDIS
  • Seems to be put in charge of things
  • Recently admitted to Nat that she was in love with her too
  • Left the planet Earth when it was threatened to be destroyed in Four's TARDIS
  • Her younger self Sarah Jane Smith (Younger) has been staying with them and she watches out for and cares about her quite a bit.
  • Is very good friends with Catherine Endicott
  • Headed to Earth to rescue Tegan Jovanka from daleks and went to the rift in Cardiff to find out about the time bubble
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