From Relativespace

Revision as of 22:57, 18 December 2006 by Rude not ginger (Talk | contribs)


The Basics

What is this place? What's the point?

Relative Space is a roleplaying community intended to give fans of the many incarnations of Doctor Who a chance to flex their imaginations and writing skills.

The Doctor can't be a woman. Romana can't be a man! What the hell is wrong with you people?

We take canon and run with it. Wherever we want.

I don't understand the plot. The universe is ending? Why are these people so concerned with themselves, then?

Eh, the plot is just there to get everyone all together. What happens once they are is up to each player and character.

The plot doesn't have to make sense to serve as an instrument. And, trust us, it definitely does not make sense.

How is MJ So Awesome?

We're really not sure, she just is. She's got that ego to match it though, so watch out!

Character Creation

Your game looks cool. I want to create a character. What do I do?

First, check out our rules. It's got some guidelines for creating your character whether it's a canon character, an original character, or an alternate universe character.

Next, send the application to the mod. You should hear with a day about whether your character is accepted or not. The mod may ask you some clarifying questions if necessary.

I'm creating an alternate universe version of Mickey Smith. Can I use Gerard Butler to portray him?

No, you can't. Noel Clarke is Mickey Smith. Anyone else wouldn't be Mickey at all. Though we understand that it's possible to have someone with the exact same life and experiences as canon Mickey, but look like someone different, that's no longer an alternate version of a character. It's an alternate character. An original character.

Game Play

Sweet, I have my snazzy new character. Now what?

Write an intro post. Intro posts can be either action-heavy, written in third person. (Example goes here) Or they can just involve your character speaking to the rest of the community through their communicator.

(Flesh out).

OOC Interaction

What can I do on the OOC community?

Introduce yourself and your characters, ask questions of the mod or the other players, share fanfiction or icons, chat about the game or Doctor Who in its various incarnations and spin-offs, throw out ideas for storylines or new characters... really, anything you want that's related to the game or the fandom.

Soandso sucks. Can I just stop playing with him?

Well, as a last ditch effort to stay in the game, yes. If you have a problem with a player, we ask that you try to work it out between yourselves. If that fails, go to the mod and let her know what's going on. She'll try to help. If that fails then, yes, stop playing with the other person.

Storylines and Player Contributions

I've got a great idea! Can I just go ahead and play it?

Cool. Have fun! The only time you ever need to run a storyline by the mod is if it effects the entire game (i.e. a major monument disappears, your character blows up a sun, that sort of thing).

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