Toshiko Sato

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Revision as of 22:30, 4 January 2007 by Jewels (Talk | contribs)
Toshiko Sato
Toshiko Sato
Character Journal: [justtosh]
Race: human
Home Planet: Earth
Home Era: 2008
Affiliated with: Jack Harkness (Torchwood), Gwen Cooper, Owen Harper, Ianto Jones, Suzie Costello
Writer: Jewels


Basic Information

Entry Point

After the episode: They Keep Killing Suzie


Sato first appeared in the Doctor Who episode Aliens of London (2005), where she was called in to examine a supposed alien corpse at Albion Hospital. On Torchwood, Sato is the Cardiff branch's technical expert (described as a "computer genius"). She does however operate as a medical doctor still - in Small Worlds she arrives at a police station to determine a man's cause of death.

It is revealed in Greeks Bearing Gifts that Sato's parents were both in the Royal Air Force, and her grandfather worked at Bletchley Park, the World War II code-breaking facility. Sato joined a government scientific think-tank after graduating from university, and was recruited by the Torchwood Institute to work with Jack Harkness three years before the series begins, suggesting she was infiltrating Albion Hospital on its behalf. Teammate Gwen Cooper believes she is of Japanese descent, describing her as a "Japanese woman", although it is established in Greeks Bearing Gifts that she herself was born in the UK in July 1975 and her family returned to Osaka when she was two, before returning to the UK in 1986. A letter on the Torchwood Institute website implies that she has some family members who cannot read English.

Sato has a close relationship with colleague Owen Harper. He confides in her during drinks outside of work in Ghost Machine and the two can be seen together in photographs on the Torchwood website. Mori suggested in an interview that Sato has a crush on Harper. Mori also indicated that Toshiko has good working relationships with the rest of the team and in particular with Jack Harkness, although she is not afraid of expressing her opinions to him.

In Countrycide it would appear Tosh's genius is not limited to simply all things medical and computerised. She is able to quickly deduce the framework of a door and identify where its structural weaknesses would be, and whether or not it is reinforced.

About Toshiko Sato

  • Works at Torchwood
  • Met Nine during Aliens of London (yes she's that Toshiko)
  • Has a slight crush on Owen Harper but will NEVER EVER EVER do anything about it
  • Hates that everyone looks at her like a little sister
  • More than a bit teaish
  • Was picked up by Nine with the rest of the Torchwood crew
  • Was still on Earth when the daleks took over and is now in hiding with Owen hoping to be rescued
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