TJ (alt11)

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Revision as of 21:25, 10 January 2007 by Fivey (Talk | contribs)
Theta John Alistair Smith
Character Journal: Son of the Doctor
Race: Gallifreyan/Human Hybrid
Home Planet: Earth
Home Era: circa 2000
Affiliated with: Three (Alt 3), Sarah Jane Smith (Older)
Writer: Flick

Theta John Alastair Smith, Theta Jr, or simply just TJ


Basic Character Information

Entry Point

Physical Description

Tall and remarkably like The Doctor's third incarnation in appearance. Well, he is his son after all. short hair, and quite quite handsome.


Extremely self assured, yet a big mummy's boy.


Whether in his universe there was no curse, or the fact that his father was one of a handful of Timelords who were still fertile is unknown. What is known is that his father was exiled to Earth for interferance in the lives of lesser species. Once he 'went native', he was employed by UNIT as their Scientific-adviser during his exile, where he met Sarah-Jane, TJ's mother. The pair fell in love, and as comes naturally to humans in such cases they wedded and had a child. His ancestry wasn't hidden from the boy, and in fact is quite proud of it. Due to the fact that his parents were suspicious of the attention their boy would garner from his Gallifreyan learning capabilities, TJ was home schooled by both his mother and father.

Additional Information

Random Facts

  • Extreme mummy's boy despite being a grown adult.
  • Is not interested in following his father's footsteps.
  • Prefers to stay at home rather than do anything overly dangerous.

OOC-only Character Information

  • Unbeknownst to TJ, his 'Uncle Freddles' is less a family friend and more a CIA agent, turning up every few weeks to a month just to make sure the Doctor's not violating his exile.
  • 'Uncle Freddles' just has a soft spot for young TJ.
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