Go West, to the Music

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

Traversing westward as the music begins to grow louder, you find yourself suddenly surrounded by even taller grass than before. Despite the density of the splayed leaves and swaying chaff, you are driven to music by some unknown force within your very core. The thick of the grain does nothing to stifle the sounds as they grow even louder than you could imagine, reaching decibel levels of painful magnitude. The very tonality stops being pleasant: the once inviting melodies and echoing rhythms from so far away, now a shattering, piercing shrill of a wind instrument coupled with the ludicrous and cacophonous pounding of some primal drum.

Just as you can take no more of this aural torture, you stumble forward into an immediate clearing. The earth below you is devoid of any plant life, and the grass itself seems to stop as if you've climbed through a magnificent wall. Surrounding the clearing, besides the tall grass behind you, are a pattern of rock formations to the left, and a grove--perhaps an orchard of some kind?--to the right. Far off in the distance ahead of you, the faint sight of rooftops peek out from the horizon, suggesting that a village lies further beyond.

All of this, however, is secondary to the sight before you: in the very center of this clearing sit two men, if you could even call them that--indeed their forms look humanoid, but there is something about them that seems absolutely and utterly inhuman. You notice that one of them, sitting on a rock in front of a withered tree, is holding what could only be the wind instrument you heard earlier; the other, slumped over in poor posture upon a stump, with a statue resting behind him, is flexing his grip upon a mallet, resting it upon the skin of a drum head. Indeed these were the sources of the increasingly awful noises you heard earlier, and upon your entry into the clearing, they have stopped playing, and are now staring at you in a manner which suggests that they don't often see anyone out this far.

What will you do?

Attempt to converse with the two beings before you.
Despite their inhuman appearances and bizarre stares, they might be able to explain where you are, at the very least.

Attempt to climb the rocky formations to the left of you for a better view.
It may seem rude to simply interrupt their performance, but you need to gain your bearings.

Excuse yourself and head right, to the grove down the hill.
Where there is agriculture, there is a homestead; and surely the trees will provide some sustenance through their fruit.

Precariously make your way between the two musicians to head onward towards the village.
Despite the long distance, it may be worth it if you can find shelter, especially since the sun has to go down eventually.

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