Drop the flute and run towards the village.

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

You look long and hard at the flute and decide if it holds the power of escaping, you should run towards the village and find someone to play it for you so that you can exit out of the wormhole. You begin to run, the two humanoids get up almost like they were going to attack you but they actually vanish in a poof. You wonder if the flute keep them alive? You keep running. You finally come behind houses and walk between two and enter a small village. A ghost village. Not a soul in sight. To your right is a saloon with a horse tied out front. You figure he would be a better way to get around. To your left is an empty bar but tons of alcohol. That would be a good way to drown your worries! You start to think with all the things around you there must have been people around lately. What has happened to them? Straight ahead is a fountain with running water. You see something weird about this fountain but are not close enough to figure it out. What should you do?

To go right and get the horse for better transportation

Go left to get drunk

Go straight to figure out the mystery of the fountain

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