Run to the tree

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

You run past the first line of trees and find a sword lying on the ground. As you walk towards the sword, you notice the forest get noticeable smoky. With every step you take towards the sword, you feel like you're losing control over your own mind. You pick up the sword and continue running until you reach a clear area with no trees.

Here, you see a familiar woman with a cheeseburger in her hand. In front of her stands a cat which is 20 feet tall. The monstrous cat swipes at the woman, causing her to fall. As you stand in the bushes, frozen with fear, the cat approaches the woman on the ground, ready to eat her alive. The cat's long tongue protrudes from its mouth, slowly reaches the woman's hand and licks the cheeseburger. The monstrous cat then looks at you, making you realize that its aware of you. The cat's lips do not move, but you can hear its voice in your head, repeatedly asking the same question:


While the sight of the gruesome cat makes you want to kill it, something about the cat and the question it asked seems familiar.

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