Scream in Rage at how badly you've been trolled

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

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You decide that nothing gets you over a troll like a good ol' rage scream. As it leaves your mouth, you can hear your thunderous tones echoing off the walls around you. The once-lit torches crash to the floor, accompanied by various wall-hangings and ceiling tiles. You marvel at how shoddy this place is built, and also wonder if perhaps anybody heard you raging. Or if there even IS anybody around to hear you raging.

As you ponder this, you suddenly notice a small prick of light amidst the darkness of the corridor. Your antenna emits a faint light of its own, and drifts lazily toward the hole. Curious, you move toward the hole and begin digging at the wall, which is made of wood. You easily widen it until it is big enough to see through, and then with a little more work it is even big enough to crawl through.

You peek your head through the hole. The room beyond the dead-end corridor is a dining room with a long, elegant dining table in the center, set for 20. An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling and bathes the room in white light. The room is currently empty, but you begin to hear faint voices. Do you?

Retreat into the Corridor

Maybe these guys aren't so friendly!

Try to find a hiding place in the Dining Room

You've always wanted to go undercover.

Step Boldly into the Room

Maybe these people (or whatever they are) can help you figure some stuff out.

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