
From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

Revision as of 16:34, 31 August 2012 by Bestfriendsforever (Talk | contribs)
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Something stirs in the murky pond, it looks like a log but you're not sure. You put the backpack aside and pick up a rock, and throw it at the thing. This seems disturbs the whatever it is, its apparent to you that its not an actual log as it seems to have a head... and a tail which is twitching... and oh god so many teeth! It's staring at you through the muddy water, oh sweet lord. You instinctively back away from the crocodile, however you notice that its not moving, just observing you, sizing you up. You have some time to make an informed decision.

Do you:

Maybe there's something useful in there!

It's kinda my thing!

I can use logic and reasoning to get me out of any situation!

I'll mess him up just like i did stupid Mr Backpack Pants!

He's just looking for some fun!

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