Tell her to make you a sandwich

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

Revision as of 21:42, 11 September 2011 by (Talk)
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She pauses for thought then disappears time passes she returns with a Bacon sandwich you take a large bite only when you swallow it do you feel a burning sensation in your mouth it moves to your throat suddenly you find it hard to breathe the sensation passes but by then you are out cold when you wake you find yourself in an oval room the walls are made of iron you can hear water the air tastes salty you realise your out at sea you then notice several others chained up you realise that you are also chained one of the others speaks up "welcome to the life of a slave" just then a slaver comes in leaving a bucket of thick soup (atleast that's what it looks like) and some stale bread you count the you realise there isnt enough food for everyone the others notice also a fight breaks out for the food

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