Start searching around the ruins

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

Revision as of 07:29, 12 February 2011 by Quixotiko (Talk | contribs)
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You carefully make your way into the town. It's difficult to get around because half-burned pieces of lumber have fallen everywhere. There are still small fires burning, but there seems to be nothing for you to do. They will simply burn themselves out.

Your stomach twists in horror at the sight of the first body--a man, you guess. You turn away and vomit. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, but even as you think this, you realize that there might be someone still alive. You have to make sure.

Tears are running down your eyes, both from the smoke and the grief. You feel as if you may lose your mind. Your own problems forgotten, you start to imagine catching whoever is responsible for this. You imagine cruel punishments, anything, anything to stop you from dealing with what you see in front of you.

The first dead child you see stops you cold. You break down and start sobbing. You let the horror consume you, and you curl up in a ball, shaking and crying, unable to move, unable to think.

Eventually the tears run out. You don't feel better, just numb. There's a strange ringing in your ears. As you walk by a building with only one wall still standing, you notice an axe leaning against it. You go to pick it up, but it's heavier than you thought.

Take the axe, you never know when you'll need it

Leave the axe, it's too heavy and will just weigh you down

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