Leave the elevator

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

Revision as of 21:28, 11 February 2011 by ImHumble (Talk | contribs)
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You put the lid back on the box, and pull at the rusty iron gate, but it wont budge. You think for a moment, open the lid of the box, and rub some onto the edges and joints of the gate. It slides open, but not without effort. You are back into the main room, and the only thing you haven't explored is the door.

It takes some dedicated effort, but you finally manage to swing the heavy door open with a screech and a deafening clang. Blinking, you step into the sun. You stand at the top of a cliff above the sea, its expanse lost into the horizon to the east. The salty sea air tinges your nose and the booming of the surf resonates in your headular appendage.

A dirt path winds away into a forest to the north, there is a signpost near the path with a wooden sign marked "Lionhe", underneath is scrawled "Beware the dark forest". A grassy path winds its way along the cliff-top and down to the beach in the east, and there is an expanse of sun-drenched meadow to the west. The stone building is behind you, to the south, and you look up and notice the top of the lighthouse.

Which direction do you want to head in:

This is after all where the strange lady told you to go first.

The singing of seabirds and the crashing waves call to you.

The serene sun-drenched expanse looks so soothing.

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