Try to open the box

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

Revision as of 20:58, 11 February 2011 by ImHumble (Talk | contribs)
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Fumbling around with the glazed, hardwood box, you notice that what you first thought was simply a nick from the fall is actually a split in the grain of the wood, and you wiggle your fingers inside the gap. Biting your lower lip hard, you pull at the box and it slides open. You realize that the box was made specifically to hold what was inside. You feel the elevator creak beneath your feet and the protrusions growing out of your head wobble in response. You see them bob into your peripheral vision, but when you reach up to touch one it slinks away from your hand like an alarmed animal. You try to exert muscular control over the antennae but find that it is impossible. Looking back into the box, you notice it is filled with a dark liquid that pulses gently with the hum of the elevator.

Do you:

I'll deal with that weird wooden thing later, it's time to get exploring and figure out what's what.

I'm pretty sure this elevator is going to be okay, but where did this thing come from?

Forget this, I want to try a different route.

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