Stall for time

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

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"My, my, you're bold, aren't you?" she asks. She has slipped back into her beautiful form, yet something--perhaps just your imagination--can sense the sinister undertone in her words. She smiles at you, and it sends ripples of warmth towards you. You don't know if it's an illusion, but you're more relaxed, and somehow, you can't bring yourself to care.
"Perhaps the question you should be asking is 'what am I?'"
"What...?" you whisper. Your words are no longer your own.
"I am that is," she answers. A smile spreads across her face as if she's enjoying a game. "I was once a mortal, pitiful and weak. But I studied the Deep Art, and I became strong." She pauses, calculating, judging. "I can show you," she whispers.
The suffocating warmth is gone, and you can think more clearly. There is something appealing in her offer, but you can still remember the horrible face.
Do you:

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