Talk:Main Page

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

Revision as of 17:28, 10 February 2011 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

2/09/11 :: I've fleshed out the elevator thread, there is one fatal ending, one return to the start room, and one successful descent. The elevator is destroyed and should not be used to ascend, the shaft however may be used if someone wishes to in the future.

The room at the bottom has three exits, one Labyrinth, one Laboratory, and one dark staircase descent. I have no definite intentions for the Labyrinth or Laboratory (the torch on the wall next to the labyrinth entrance is meant to be taken if you contribute to the labyrinth story, as it is very dark down there) I invite all to contribute to those.

I only have a rough intention for the dark staircase descent as a true dungeon of sorts. Nothing more definite than that, feel free to contribute.

I have also added a couple of unique return to start room pages for staircase and elevator.


Awesome contribution! Hopefully we can get more participation. Feel free to spread the news on Reddit!


2/10/11 :: I've edited the "Try and get the box open" page to "Try to get the box open" I just copy and pasted a new page, didn't see the move function. I will be using that one next if needed.

Also minor formatting, changed the response descriptions in "Try to get the box open" and changed the lake to tang of ocean air in "The door" to comply with what you see from the top of the lighthouse if you took that route first. There can be a lake up in the forest somewhere or beyond the meadow I'm sure with better results.


The 'move' function copies the history of the old page to the new one, and creates a redirect. It does NOT update links that point to the old page. Because of this, it does not free up the original title for another page unless you manually change all links that point to the redirect. Use with caution, or you might be better off just copy/pasting to new pages if you need the title changed.
Also, you can make the choice state something other than the actual title of the new page.

     [[Link title|What you want it to say]]
     [[open_steel_door_2|Pull the door open cautiously]]
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