Interrogate her harshly

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

Revision as of 03:59, 10 February 2011 by (Talk)
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"Where the **** am I, and what have I turned into?! I want answers! ANSWERS! Are you a ghost? Am I tripping balls? Is this some deranged cosplay I'm somehow living? WHAT?!" You shout, feeling as if you've gone over the brink of insanity. She responds by giving you a rather hard and sobering slap to the face.

"That was very rude and uncalled for." The mysterious girl says. "In fact, I'm calling it. You're too much of a douche."

Before you can protest you hear her yell "next" and you find yourself falling face first into the ocean. A group of sharks proceed to take medium-sized bites out of your body, starting from the lower torso.

I guess politeness matters more than I thought... You think to yourself as a shark finally bites into your chest, severing your heart and ending your painful last moments.

Play again?

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