"How did you manage to kill that man?"

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

Revision as of 16:05, 31 August 2012 by Bestfriendsforever (Talk | contribs)

The young woman is tending to the fire, she stares into it and shrugs. "I know this secret ninja move" She says. "See what you got to do right? Is you got to hit a man juuust right, just under the shoulder blades." she's mimicking the move in front of you, she seems pretty into this, her usually calm and fair features turn mean and twisted recounting the violence. "It'll cause a ripple of magic zen mana energy higgs boson burst to spread through your body, which makes the synapses of your brain implode in on themselves..." she's gesticulating violently, still staring big eyed into the flames as she looks up at you, you're sitting perfectly still, looking at her with a somewhat fearful expression on your face " ...yeah you probably never heard of it" she says and returns to poking the fire.

A few silent moments pass. "Um, well, thanks anyway" you manage, "would probably be dead by now if it weren't for your..." you swallow "judo...ninja...boson..whatever..chop" She smiles at you with what you fear is sincerity, in the warm glow of the flames she seems absolutely diabolical to you now, but even so its reassuring to know that at least you have someone to protect you that has an arm reach of more than a foot and a half. "So to answer your question earlier, I've not been here that long, last thing I remember is waking up in a lighthouse, I don't know what my name is nor where I'm from, how old I am… nothing, and in fact I would like to figure out what in the world I actually AM, I seem so different from everyone else, what with my antennae and so forth, its annoying!". She takes a look at you for a moment and says "Well, you're certainly strange, perhaps we need to find someone who knows more about your species? I know a few wise people around these parts. You have The Jelly Bean Crocodile, The Super Hobo aaaaaand uuuhm oh you also have Zeon the Librarian, he's all the way north in Lionhe, and you have the Dreaded Pirate Steve, but we'll need to make a boat to get to his secret Spider Island, part of the Nope Archipelago. What do you think?"

Do you:

He sounds like a wise being, and also I like jellybeans!

He's been around a lot I'm sure he'll know whats going on!

He's certain to have many resources available for me!

I've absolutely no idea if The Dreaded Pirate Steve can help in any way whatsoever. But I do like pirates!

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