Interrogate her harshly

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

Revision as of 20:20, 10 February 2011 by Zitkovich (Talk | contribs)

"Where am I?" You yell rudely. "I want answers! ANSWERS! Is this some kind of deranged prank? Tell me now!" You continue shouting, feeling as if you've gone over the brink of insanity. She responds by giving you a rather hard and sobering slap to the face.

"That was very rude and uncalled for." The mysterious girl says. "In fact, shows over. We can do better."

Before you can protest, you hear her yell "next" and you find yourself falling face first into the ocean. A group of sharks proceed to take medium-sized bites out of your body, starting from the lower torso.

You get the sudden, inexplicable feeling that you have just been "downvoted", whatever that means.

I guess politeness matters more than I thought... You think to yourself as a shark finally bites into your chest, severing your heart and ending your painful last moments.

***You have died***
Play again?

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