Hop on the cart!

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

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(Created page with 'You accept his offer and clamber aboard. the numbers shift under your feet, and the horse lurches ahead. "So what is your name?" the furry man with the straw hat asked with a scr…')

Current revision as of 17:02, 14 February 2011

You accept his offer and clamber aboard. the numbers shift under your feet, and the horse lurches ahead. "So what is your name?" the furry man with the straw hat asked with a scruffy voice. "My name is reddit" you say remembering what the mysterious woman told you just an hour before. "Oh yes reddit! I've heard of you before. Well nice to meet you reddit, you can call me hank. I relay carts of zeros, and ones to the leaders of the north. Are you hungry? You think for a moment and realize that you haven't eaten in… well you haven't eaten! "Sure" you say, "what do you have?" "Grab that string of numbers down there, thats SPAM, it's salty, but delicious!" You reach down and pull up a can of SPAM. You take a bite. It is tasty you think. You munch pleasantly on the salty meat and the horse pulls its load with nobility. You are thankful for the horse, and for the company. Hank tells you stories of various hitch hikers he's picked up. Just as the sun goes down, the forrest breaks open, and reveals a landscape of houses complete with thatched roofs. People were bustling about, washing cloths, slaughtering chickens, cooking dinner, even kids running about kicking a ball around. "Well that just about does it lad. You are going to need to request an audience with the emperor if you want to see him, and in order to do that you'll have to stand before the council. They wont listen to you until tomorrow morning." your driver says matter of fact. 'Oh damn' you think. I better find a place to spend the night. "Thank you for the ride kind sir" you say. You reach in your pants pocket, and hope for something useful to give the man. To your surprise out pull out two gold coins. You toss one to the man. He bites it to make sure its real, sits back down on his load, pulls a hard left on the reigns, and yells "YAA!" the horse starts at a slow pace, and walks into town. You reach back into your pocket, hoping for something else of use. You pull out the other gold coin, a needle and thread, a melted bar of chocolate, and the wooden box filled with the strange liquid.

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