Aayla Secura

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Aayla Secura was a Female [[Jedi Knight]]. She was a [[Twi'lek]]. She was trained by the [[Jedi Master]], [[Quinlan Vos]]. shee wuz originaly created for a comik book and jorje lukas likd the caractor he put her in d movy.
{{Jedi character infobox
|name=Aayla Secura
|birth=[[46 BBY]]
|death=[[19 BBY]]
|height=1.73 meters
|era=[[Rise of the Empire era]]
|affiliation=[[Jedi Order]], [[Galactic Republic]]
{{Quote|This girl&mdash;Aayla&mdash;she called me through the Force. She helped calm me in battle with the wampa. Could she be&hellip;"<br />"A Jedi? Perhaps.|[[Quinlan Vos]] and [[Tholme]]|Star Wars Republic 42: Rite of Passage, Part 1}}
'''Aaylas'ecura''', better known as '''Aayla Secura''', was a [[Sexes|female]] [[Twi'lek]] [[Jedi Knight]] and [[Jedi General|General]] during the [[Rise of the Empire era|era]] of the [[Clone Wars]].
Aayla was an empathic and highly intelligent [[Jedi]] with impressive fighting skills, but she was impulsive and somewhat mischievous. She was a master of the [[Form IV: Ataru|Ataru]] form of [[lightsaber combat]] and had some skill in [[Form V: Shien / Djem So|Djem So]].
===Early life===
Aayla was always strong with [[the Force]], and at a young age was discovered by the Jedi during a mission on [[Ryloth]] undertaken by the young [[Quinlan Vos]], the [[Kiffar]] [[Padawan]] of [[Jedi Master]] [[Tholme]]. The very young Aayla was kept with the Twi'lek [[Slavery|slave]]s of the local [[Hutt]] to be safe from any possible threat. She was still [[Lon Secura]]'s niece, but the [[wampa]] guard of the Hutt went on a rampage, and the little Secura was in peril. Fortunately she was sensed and saved by Quinlan. He and Aayla had a strong connection with each other through the Force. Quinlan persuaded master Tholme to test Aayla on [[Coruscant]] for [[Jedi training]] where she passed the tests.
[[Image:Young_Aayla and Padawan Quinlan.jpg|thumb|left|Young Aayla and [[Quinlan Vos|her savior]].]]
She was a skilled swordsman; she studied and used Form IV of lightsaber combat. She also studied the [[Niman / Jar'Kai|Jar'Kai]] form, using a green and a blue lightsaber. She would also occasionally use a pink lightsaber. Padawan Aayla and her Master, Quinlan, undertook many successive missions together.
Aayla once learned a very valuable lesson when her dear pet [[T'da]] died. Her master comforted her by relating how her beloved was now part of the Force, and would also live on in her heart. Ironically enough, it was on [[Felucia]] that she buried T'da&mdash;a planet which she would return to towards the end of her life.
They rescued a little [[prince]]ss from the [[Skyboat Pirates]] of [[Xoman Free]], faced the [[Terbeast]]s of [[Ogden Minor]], solved the [[Mystery of the Lodi]] on [[Solibus IV]], and even witnessed [[Sebulba]], a [[Dug]], threatening [[Jar Jar Binks|a Gungan]] on [[Tatooine]]. She also had a good relationship with a young Twi'lek Padawan named [[Xiaan Amersu]], to whom Aayla gave a [[Heart of Fire]] as a gift. She also had a very close relationship with [[Kit Fisto]], one which pushed the limits of the [[Jedi Code]] at times. But when Quinlan and Aayla were assigned on a mission to Ryloth to investigate the sources of [[glitteryll]], all went wrong. The two were captured and drugged. Aayla and her master suffered heavy amnesia. She was taken by her uncle [[Pol Secura]], who had to feed her more glitteryll every day because her spirit kept reasserting itself. She forgot that she was a Jedi; she forgot she had a master and [[Force powers]].
One day a strange man came to Pol Secura's quarters, looking for his "Padawan" Aayla. He showed Aayla her lightsaber, but she still couldn't remember anything. After a while, when the man figured out that Pol Secura was behind the drugging he came back for him. When Aayla tried to rescue her uncle, she accidentally [[Force push]]ed him off the balcony. She blamed the stranger, Quinlan Vos.
===Brush with the dark side===
[[Image:Aayla kaarko.jpg|thumb|150px|right|Aayla being seduced to the [[dark side of the Force]] by [[Volfe Karkko]].]]
Aayla wanted revenge on the man who killed her uncle. She hid herself on a [[pirate]] ship en route to [[Kiffex]]. On that planet she discovered and released [[Dark Jedi]] [[Volfe Karkko]] from his [[stasis field]]. She gave into the [[dark side of the Force]] and was willing to help the [[Anzat]]i Dark Jedi. He gave her command of his Anzati minions and let her hunt down the Jedi on Kiffex. Karkko needed them alive to regain his strength; he needed to suck their "Jedi-soup". But first he needed to feed himself and his Anzati. Aayla took the Anzati and stormed a local stronghold. There she faced off against Quinlan Vos, Tholme, and [[Zao]] and got away with their captured people. Quinlan followed her and reached the prison of Karkko. Again she fought against her former master, but then she at last realized her true identity. At that moment Karkko used [[Force lightning]] to knock her out. When she woke up, she found Karkko dead and later on she was assigned to Master Tholme, Quinlan's former master. Quinlan pictured himself as "a leaf blown forth by the wind" and left Kiffex, going where the Force told him to go.
===Ascension to Knighthood===
Aayla and Tholme returned to Coruscant and, like Quinlan, she was re-trained in the [[Jedi Temple]]. Master [[Plo Koon]] agreed to use his telepathy to guide Aayla as she arranged her newly-recovered memories. She also learned of the [[Stark Hyperspace War]] when she met the veteran [[Jace Dallin]].
[[Image:QuinAayla.jpg|thumb|left|250px|Quinlan and Aayla after the fight with the two [[Morgukai]].]]
In [[28 BBY]], Aayla went undercover in the Twi'lek [[clan Fenn]]. She discovered that the clan's leader, [[Ro Fenn]], was planning an attack on the Secura clan's heir [[Nat Secura]]. She informed Tholme and hurried to her master, ready to help him. He faced off against two [[Nikto]] [[Morgukai]], was defeated but still managed to slip on their ship. Unfortunately he was discovered and imprisoned. Aayla followed [[Vilmarh Grahrk]], who was in league with the Nikto, and his ship ''[[Inferno]]'', but lost them.
The Force led her to a junkyard on [[Ord Mantell]]. There she found her former Master Quinlan and helped him fight against [[bounty hunter]]s. She explained everything to Quinlan, and the two decided to rescue Nat Secura and Master Tholme. They traced Vilmarh and made him tell where the two Morgukai went. Quickly they set course to [[Kintan]], the home planet of the Nikto, and faced off against the two Morgukai [[Bok (Nikto)|Bok]] and his father, [[Tsyr]].
[[Image:Aayla db.jpg|175px|right|thumb|Aayla Secura during the [[Clone Wars]].]]
The Nikto escaped and went to the fortress of the Twi'lek [[Kh'aris Fenn]], who was behind all this misery all the time, and waited for the Jedi to arrive. The two Jedi broke in the fortress and inside they confronted the Nikto again. Aayla was to rescue Nat Secura and Tholme, Quinlan would fight the Nikto.
Aayla reached the dungeon, defeated the torture droid [[AX/RX]], freed Tholme and Nat and went to Quinlan to help him. Quinlan had already beheaded Tsyr but he was smacked to the ground by Bok. Aayla saved Quinlan's life by fighting Bok before he could deliver the final blow. She wounded the Nikto, taking his right hand, but did not kill him. Bok let himself fall hundreds of meters in order to keep his honor. The three Jedi and Nat survived. They returned the young Twi'lek boy to his father, but, unfortunately, Kh'aris escaped from Ryloth to [[Dooku]]'s hidden stronghold. Ro Fenn was sent into the [[Bright Lands]], the side of Ryloth that was baked in eternal sunlight.
Back on Coruscant, Aayla and Quinlan were both promoted by the [[Jedi Council]].
Aayla was granted the rank of Jedi Knight and Quinlan a Jedi Master.
===Clone Wars===
[[Image:AaylaKit.jpg|thumb|left|200px|[[Kit Fisto]] saves Aayla's life on [[Kamino]].]]
Aayla was in the Jedi Temple at the time of the [[Battle of Geonosis]] and thus was a member of the 200 Jedi [[Geonosis strike team|task force]] sent to [[Geonosis]] to [[Mission to Geonosis|rescue]] two Jedi and the [[Senator]] [[Padmé Amidala]] held captive. She was one of the few survivors of the battle between the [[Confederacy of Independent Systems]] and the Jedi that ensued in the [[Petranaki arena]] and then led her own squad of [[clone trooper]]s into battle. Thus was sparked the conflict known as the [[Clone Wars]].
Aayla became a Jedi General in charge of the [[327th Star Corps]]. Eight standard days after the Battle of Geonosis, she was sent on a [[Mission to Corellia|mission]] to intercept [[Techno Union]] scientist [[Ratri Tane]], who had fled to [[Corellia]] with the files and prototype of new droid circuitry, along with fellow [[Caamasi]] Jedi [[Ylenic It'kla]].
Less than a standard month later, she infiltrated [[the Wheel]], posing as a down-on-her-luck mechanic named [[Jayzaa]], in order to locate Quinlan Vos, who hadn't reported from his undercover mission since the Battle of Geonosis. Together, they secured a copy of the plans of the impending Confederacy attack on [[Kamino]]. Using the intelligence they had collected, the [[Galactic Republic]] was able to fend off the attack on the rainy planet. In the [[Battle of Kamino]], Aayla defended the cloning facilities in her [[Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor|Jedi starfighter]]. She would remain on the planet, alongside [[Kit Fisto]], and save the facilities once again, this time from sabotage from within&mdash;a [[Kaminoan nano-virus]] meant to wipe out the clone troopers. Four months after Geonosis, the Twi'lek Jedi participated in the [[Battle of Hypori (Clone Wars)|Battle of Hypori]], where she was one of the Jedi who survived their first encounter with [[General]] [[Grievous]].
[[Image:Aayla and Ki-Adi vs. Grievous.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Aayla Secura fighting against [[Grievous]] on [[Hypori]].]]
Twenty-seven standard weeks into the war, Aayla investigated Separatist raids on Republic supply lines along the [[Corellian Trade Spine]] as part of a Jedi task force. When the headquarters of the raiders were pinpointed to the planet [[Devaron]], Aayla went undercover as [[Tuulaa Doneeta]], the spoiled daughter of a Twi'lek shipping baron. This way, she managed to infiltrate Senator [[Vien'sai'Malloc]]'s apartments as her guest, with Masters [[Tholme]] ("[[Miles Croft]]"), and [[An'ya Kuro]] ("Saba") as her servants. The Senator was the one who backed the raiders, hoping to play both sides in the war. She had hired bounty hunter [[Aurra Sing]], an ex-Jedi, to make sure nobody learned of her plans.
The Jedi on Devaron were Sing's next targets, and after caving in her former Master and Tholme, she ambushed Aayla. The Twi'lek survived and attacked Aurra. The two fought, and Aayla was able to win by hitting the bounty hunter where it hurt: her feelings of abandonment. Aurra reacted by unleashing her rage, but thus became disorientated, and Aayla cut off the antenna implant&mdash;installed by the hunter's Anzati mentors&mdash;that allowed Sing to feed off the fear of her prey. As Aurra was enveloped in anger, Aayla was at peace, and turned the former Jedi over to local authorities. She eventually ended up on the penal colony of [[Oovo IV]]. Then, Secura rescued Tholme and Kuro and provided intelligence she had gathered about the raider headquarters to Kit Fisto and [[T'ra Saa]] and the raiders were dissolved in a battle between them and Republic forces.
[[Image:Secura and Sing.jpg|thumb|left|180px|Aayla Secura dueling [[Aurra Sing]] on [[Devaron]].]]
Aayla was known to have an especially close friendship with Master Kit Fisto, a friendship that would have become something more, as fellow Jedi speculated, had neither of them been a Jedi of that period.
One of Aayla's missions during the clone wars was a mission to [[Endor]]. There, with the help of [[Mouthy B1|a battle droid]] she saved the [[Ewok]]s from a [[endor monster|dangerous beast]].
Aayla was often partnered with [[Clone trooper commander|Clone Commander]] [[CC-5052|Bly]], who developed a close friendship with her, and served on worlds as diverse as [[Honoghr]] and [[Saleucami]]. Aayla had also gained the respect of the [[501st Legion]] in the time they served with her. Following the siege of Saleucami, Aayla and her troops were sent to Felucia to help [[Barriss Offee]] uncover a plot to poison Felucia's water supply.
{{Quote|When her death came, I hope it was quick. She earned that much.|Unknown [[501st Legion|501st]] [[clone trooper]]|Star Wars: Battlefront II}}
While fighting on Felucia, Aayla was betrayed and killed by her clone troopers including the ever-loyal Commander Bly, after they received word from [[Palpatine]] to carry out [[Order 66]]. Soon after, the AT-TE walker that was closest to her fired at [[Barriss Offee]], making her the next victim of the [[Great Jedi Purge]].
===Post mortem===
{{Quote|They believe you are a forest spirit&hellip;|[[Mouthy B1|Anonymous B1 battle droid]]|What Goes Up...}}
[[Image:TheDeathofAaylaSecura.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Aayla Secura is killed by [[327th Star Corps|her troops]] during the execution of [[Order 66]] on [[Felucia]].]]
When the [[Galactic Empire]] emerged, [[Casualty Report: Order 66|official records]] compiled by [[Sate Pestage]] stated that Aayla and Barriss were both executed because they were plotting to poison Felucia's water supply.
However, despite the attempts of the Empire, Aayla was remembered by the peoples of the worlds she aided, in some cases merging with pre-existing goddess myths or historical figures. Even as late as [[40 ABY]], the descendants of such worlds were still writing fictituous accounts of her life.
==Behind the scenes==
[[Image:As2.jpg|thumb|right|130px|The painting by [[Jon Foster]] that secured Aayla's place in the [[Star Wars#Films|''Star Wars'' saga]].]]
Although portrayed by actress [[Amy Allen]] in ''[[Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones]]'' and ''[[Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith]]'', the character was originally created for the [[Expanded Universe]] by artist [[Jan Duursema]] and writer [[John Ostrander]]. But after a piece of striking cover art captured [[George Lucas]]'s eye, she was placed in ''[[Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones|Attack of the Clones]]'', being thus one of the few [[List of C-canon elements in the films|C-canon characters that made it into the films]]. However, her appearances in the films are brief, and she sees most of her action in Expanded Universe material. Her surname came from [[Nat Secura]], originally introduced in the short story ''[[Of the Day's Annoyances: Bib Fortuna's Tale]]'' from ''[[Tales from Jabba's Palace]]''. The two eventually appeared together in ''[[Star Wars Republic: Rite of Passage|Rite of Passage]]''. Writer John Ostrander originally wanted to kill Aayla in ''Twilight'', but was convinced by Jan Duursema's daughter to let her live.
Even though she was shot several times in the back and head in ''Revenge of the Sith'' (the scene is revisited in one of the comics in the [[Star Wars Hyperspace|Hyperspace]] section of [[StarWars.com]]), and a clear statement in the StarWars.com [[Databank]] leaves little doubt that she was killed, the popularity of the character has led some fans to come up with scenarios which would allow her survival. Any such claims are, of course, [[fanon]]. However, Amy Allen has stated that the character survives ''Revenge of the Sith'', and she hopes to play a role in the [[2009]] [[Star Wars live-action TV series|live-action television series]].[http://www.theforce.net/swtv/story/Aayla_Secura_Talks_Star_Wars_TV_Series_91649.asp]
Aayla is depicted in the game ''[[Star Wars: Battlefront II]]'' (PS2, [[Xbox]], and PC) as having two lightsabers (on [[Tatooine]], [[Kashyyyk]], [[Cloud City]], [[Yavin 4|Yavin IV]], both [[Rhen Var]] levels, Felucia, and [[Jabba's Palace]])&mdash;a green one and a blue one (although she has blue and purple 'sabers in the cutscenes), despite the fact that in ''Attack of the Clones'' she can be seen with a blue lightsaber during the Battle of Geonosis, and in ''[[Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith|Revenge of the Sith]]'', when she is killed on Felucia, she has only one lightsaber at her belt. She is also one of the few Jedi that does not wear traditional robes, most likely due to her conceptual origins in the Expanded Universe.
{{Gallery|Gallery of Aayla Secura images}}
[[Image:Aayla bellybutton.jpg|thumb|150px|Although her clothing was practical, Aayla was not devoid of ornamentation as this ornate navel jewelry illustrated.]]
*''[[Star Wars Republic: Twilight]]'' {{1st}}
*''[[Heart of Fire (comic)|Heart of Fire]]''
*''[[Star Wars Republic: Darkness]]''
*''[[Star Wars Republic: The Stark Hyperspace War]]''
*''[[Star Wars Republic: Rite of Passage]]''
{{Hnn|47|jediwatch/13314_1.html|New Jedi Starfighter Unveiled}}
*''[[Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones]]''
*''[[Elusion Illusion]]''
*''[[Tides of Terror]]''
*''[[Star Wars Republic 49: Sacrifice]]''
*''[[Star Wars Republic 50: The Battle of Kamino]]''
*''[[Jedi: Aayla Secura]]''
*''[[Star Wars Republic 65: Show of Force, Part 1]]''
*''[[Star Wars Republic 68: Armor]]''
*''[[Star Wars Republic: Trackdown]]''
*''[[Star Wars: Clone Wars]]''
**"[[Clone Wars Chapter 20|Chapter 20]]"
**"[[Clone Wars Chapter 21|Chapter 21]]"
**"[[Clone Wars Chapter 22|Chapter 22]]"
[[Image:66-aaylasecura.jpg|thumb|150px|right|''[[Casualty Report: Order 66]]'']]
*''[[Star Wars: Obsession]]''
*''[[What Goes Up...]]''
*''[[Star Wars Republic: The Siege of Saleucami]]''
*''[[Labyrinth of Evil]]'' {{Mo}}
*''[[Evasive Action: Reversal of Fortune]]''
*''[[Star Wars: Battlefront II]]''
*''[[Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith]]''
*''[[Evasive Action: Recruitment]]'' {{Mo}}
*''[[Evasive Action: Prey]]'' {{Mo}}
*''[[Evasive Action: End Game]]'' {{Mo}}
*''[[Star Wars Republic: The Hidden Enemy]]'' {{Flash}}
*''[[Star Wars Empire: "General" Skywalker]]'' {{C|Memory}}
*''[[Betrayal]]'' {{Mo}}
*''[[Tempest (novel)|Tempest]]'' {{Mo}}
[[Image:AaylaSecuraStance.jpg|thumb|180px|right|Aayla Secura.]]
*''[[Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith: Illustrated Screenplay]]''
*''[[The New Essential Chronology]]''
*''[[Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels]]''
*''[[Order 66: Destroy All Jedi]] - [[Star Wars Insider 87]]''
*''[[Star Wars Miniatures: Clone Strike]]''
{{Hyperspace|episode-iii/bts/setdiary/news20040507.html|Episode III Set Diary - Aayla Secura: An Expanded Role}}
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==External links==
[[Category:Dark Jedi|Secura, Aayla]]
[[Category:Ewok deities|Secura, Aayla]]
[[Category:Females|Secura, Aayla]]
[[Category:Jedi Generals|Secura, Aayla]]
[[Category:Pilots|Secura, Aayla]]
[[Category:Post-Ruusan Jedi|Secura, Aayla]]
[[Category:Redeemed Jedi|Secura, Aayla]]
[[Category:Slaves|Secura, Aayla]]
[[Category:Twi'leks|Secura, Aayla]]

Current revision as of 07:50, 3 May 2007

Aayla Secura was a Female Jedi Knight. She was a Twi'lek. She was trained by the Jedi Master, Quinlan Vos. shee wuz originaly created for a comik book and jorje lukas likd the caractor he put her in d movy.

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