Faithful lucy

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Lucy Saxon
Character Journal: Lady in Red
Race: Human
Home Planet: Earth
Home Era: Modern Earth era
Affiliated with: The Tenth Doctor
Writer: Allison C.


Basic Character Information

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Physical Description


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Relative Space

Lucy entered the Relative Space universe almost immediately after the conclusion of "The Sound of Drums", alongside her husband.


Lucy was brought to Paradisa during the events of "The Sound of Drums", just after her arrival at 10 Downing Street. Her loss was the use of her voice. However, she considers the presence of a Harold Saxon with no memory of her to be an even greater (albeit unofficial) loss. She has become quite friendly with the Fifth Doctor, who came to Paradisa just after her own arrival. She found him to be the kindest and least judgmental of the many Doctors there, and they have developed a rather quirky but affectionate relationship. Lucy eventually asked to become his companion and he agreed. She is currently engaged in a somewhat blatant war with the Master for the Doctor's affections.

Awards and Recognition


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