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Buffy Summers
Character Journal: Slayer, comma The
Race: Slayer
Home Planet: Earth
Home Era: Modern
Affiliated with: Willow, Xander, Giles, Dawn, The Doctor
Writer: Manda


Buffy was fifteen years old when she learned that she was a Slayer, the one girl in every generation, born to fight the forces of darkness. She was not exactly happy to learn of her 'destiny'. Her parents' marriage wasn't on solid footing and Buffy's late nights and expulsion from Hemery helped push it over the edge. They divorced and her mother moved to Sunnydale bringing a protesting Buffy with her.

On the bright side of the move, Buffy thought she wouldn't have to be a Slayer anymore as her Watcher, Merrick had been killed. Not so much. Rupert Giles became her new Watcher and she found out that Sunnydale was actually built over a Hellmouth. Buffy had gone from the frying pan into the fire.

She became friends with Willow Rosenberg and Xander Harris while trying to keep her Slayer identity a secret. That didn't last when Willow and Xander's friend Jesse was killed and later turned into a vampire. Once they learned that things really did go bump in the night they wanted to help. With the help of Angel, a vampire with a soul, they defeat the Master.

During the battle with the Master, Buffy died… for like a minute. That minute was crucial, however as it brought the next Slayer, Kendra. Kendra came to Sunnydale to help fight Spike and Drusilla, vampires that took the Master's place. Unfortunately, Buffy, Giles and the others didn't know about the loophole in Angel's gypsy curse. If he experienced a moment of happiness, where he forgot about his torment he would turn into Angelus again. The inevitable happened and Angel had his moment of happiness. With the soulless vampire now terrorizing Buffy and rekindling the 'relationship' he had with Dru, Buffy and Spike form an uneasy alliance to stop Angelus.

After Jenny Calendar's murder, Willow found the spell that would re-soul Angel. Dru attacked the library, killing Kendra and sending Willow to the hospital. Buffy tried to stop Angelus from opening the mouth to hell, while Willow tried to perform the gypsy curse. Willow couldn't re-soul Angel before the door opened, and Buffy had to send Angel through the opening. It was the only way to save everyone, but it was the hardest thing she had to do. After the battle, Buffy ran away for a little while.

With Kendra's death, Faith Lehane was called to be a Slayer and she arrived in Sunnydale. Faith is the flip side of Buffy, the dark Slayer. There was tension and an uneasy sibling rivalry while the two Slayers were in Sunnydale. It eventually exploded, with Faith going to help the Mayor who wanted to ascend to being a demon. Buffy and the others defeat the Mayor, Faith is in a coma, and Angel leaves for Los Angeles to give Buffy a chance at a 'normal' life.

After graduation, Buffy attends UC Sunnydale with Willow. Spike returns after Dru dumps him and he is captured by a group called the Initiative. He is chipped so that he feels intense pain whenever he tried to harm a human. It turns out that the Initiative is a US government task force created to research mystical and demonic creatures. Buffy briefly joins them until she learns the leader, Maggie Walsh is creating a race of super-warriors using demons and humans stitched together like Frankenstein's creature. They defeat the Initiative through a spell that Willow does that unites Xander, Buffy, Willow and Giles and invokes the power of the First Slayer.

Since Spike can't harm humans, but he can kill demons without pain, he joins Buffy, Xander, Willow, and Giles. Also suddenly appearing is her younger sister Dawn. Memories of Dawn were integrated into everyone's minds by a group of monks that were trying to save 'the Key' from a hell-god. To Buffy, Dawn is her sister and has Summers' blood. It doesn't matter that she began as mystical energy, she's Dawnie. In a mystical vision quest, Buffy meets the First Slayer and learns that death is her gift. She doesn’t really know what that meant, but she has more important things on her mind like the death of her mother from a brain aneurysm. The hell-god found out that Dawn was the key and everyone went to battle Glory. During the battle, Buffy understands what the First Slayer told her and sacrifices herself into the interdimensional portal saving the world.

Willow and the others believe that Buffy is in a hell dimension and Willow performs a spell bringing her back. Unfortunately, Buffy was in heaven and the transition back to Sunnydale is difficult. She deals with the depression of being ripped from heaven by having an unhealthy relationship with Spike. She later admits that she was just using him and finally breaks it off. That year culminates in Willow's spiraling into depression over Tara's murder and Buffy realizes that she needs to change her own self-destructive behavior and be there for her sister.

Buffy finally embraces her destiny as the Slayer while confronting the First Evil, the Bringers and Caleb. She comes up with a plan to have Willow give all the Potentials and the Slayer line their power. Instead of one girl born in every generation, all Slayers would be activated. A huge battle against the First and an army of vampires ensues while Spike sacrifices himself to close the Hellmouth. After the fight, Sunnydale crumbles into a crater.

comic Canon

Buffy, Dawn, Willow, Xander and Giles have moved to Scotland to train the activated Potentials. They use mystics and technology to keep the demonic threat on a global scale lowered.

At the moment, Buffy and the Slayers are trying to find information on the Cult which is somehow tied to Amy and Warren Mears.

RP Canon

More to come

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