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{{Infobox Individual| character journal=Modern piracy in the political arena | individual name= Emma Grace Frost | image=Image:Photo-6210.jpg | race= Mutant | home planet= Boston, Ma/Earth | home era= Modern/2007 | affiliated with= Republican Party, Xavier's Institute, Hellfire Club| writer=[[User:British Red|Will] |}}


A legend in modern times - The Beginning

Born to a well to family from Boston, MA Emma has always known privilege. She went to the finest boarding schools, participated in all the right extracurricular activities and was, to the world around her, a poster child for wealth and luxury.

Yet, to her father, she was but the middle child. Not his strong eldest, nor the baby girl, Emma fought tooth and nail to prove herself to her father. An endeavor she often failed at. No matter how hard she tried, Emma could never make her father see how talented she was. Same was the life for her brother, the true baby of the family, Christian.

The two, up through their teen years, worked hard to show what they were. Emma working hard to prove she was indeed a Frost, while Christian tried to prove he was anything but.

A legend in modern times - The Development

Just shy of her fourteenth birthday, Emma had to be hospitalized. Officially, that is the report her Father gave to one and all, was that she had developed severe headaches and many suspected a brain tumor. In truth, she had begun to hear voices. Voices that she couldn't control. Driven nearly mad by the sounds, she stayed hidden away in a private hospital.

But the voices soon began to come under control for her. Not only were they in control, she was learning how to speak to others, just as she could read their thoughts. So it was she convinced an orderly to free her... and then set the hospital on fire.

Emma Frost was reported as missing, suspected to have perished in the fire. The other option, that a girl hearing voices and bearing the Frost name, was roaming free was more than her parents wished to endure, praying she never returned.

A legend in modern times - The Return

Missing for four years, Emma returned one day at the ripe age of twenty years old. Smarter, wiser, and in control of her ability, Emma didn't offer any explanation for her absence. Instead she took a job at Frost Enterprises, revealing that she had her bachelors and was working on her Masters in business and finance.

Still not obtaining her Father's pride, Emma took a second job at a private school in New York. Working for Xavier's, Emma learned the one thing she couldn't through college and an internship with the family business - control. Complete, utter control.

With that control, Emma managed to get her degree early, rise to the rank of vice president and, acting under the guise of the White Queen, managed to help save the world once or twice. All was good in the world and, for the first time ever, Emma had found happiness. A happiness that culminated with her Father turnng over the reins to Frost Enterprises to his middle child, the only of his children that he deemed worthy.

A legend in modern times - The Loss

Yet happiness, despite rearing it's head, was not to be. Angry that Emma had taken over after everything she'd done, Cordelia - The eldest of the Frost clan - sought revenge on her sister. Causing a terrorist event at Xavier's, Emma watched one of her students die, while others left school when their parents lost faith in their safety with Emma.

Seeing them have to go back into hiding, Emma did the only thing she thought she could. She killed her sister, shooting Cordelia. It was a crime for which she was never sought.

But with her students gone, Emma left Xavier's and returned to Boston. Leaving behind her lover, and all she cared for, Emma grew distant to most even as her public appearances soared.

A legend in modern times - The Present

Making her home in her ancestral home, Emma became active in politics. Her ultimate goal hidden, she now works to make herself a political force to be reckoned with. Most saw her as ambitious and driven. Few new of a damaged woman seeking a place of power where she might ensure that never again would bigotry and racism cause mutants, those like herself, to hide.

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