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Detective Anna Morasca
Character Journal: Chi Cento Ne Fa, Una Ne Aspetti
Race: Human
Home Planet: Manhattan, New York, Earth
Home Era: Present Day
Affiliated with: Detective Ed Green, ME Liz Rodgers, CSU Tech Millie Vizcarrondo, other NYC law enforcement personnel
Writer: [


Basic Character Information

Detective Anna Morasca is an Original Character affiliated with the television series Law & Order.

Anna was born in Milan, Italy to Adriana Morasca and Stephen Brooks on July 8th, 1979 just a few months before her parents were married (Anna was born with her mother's last name since her mother wanted her first born to carry the Morasca family name). After her parents married, they headed to the United States to live on Staten Island where Stephen originally was from. Anna's mother was a stay-at-home mom while her father worked as a corporate attorney on Wall Street.

Anna was a bright, lively child, curious and possessing a rather tomboyish personality (much to her mother's dismay). To combat this, Adriana taught Anna to sing and play guitar. While this didn't completely off-set her love for soccer, wrestling, and other "unfeminine" activities, it did provide Anna with some balance in her life and a way to channel her restless energy.

When Anna was 6, her brother Ryan was born, and when she was 8 her sister Eva was born. After Eva's birth, she took on a more domestic role as a "mother hen" - becoming quickly protective of her baby sister while her mother needed to take care of Ryan since he was born two months premature and he had a heart condition that required her constant care and attention.

As a result, Anna is extremely close to her sister (and her mother). Since their father was almost always away from home and her mother gave Ryan a lot of attention, Anna excelled in academics - turning her need for attention into a drive for learning - and she had earned the respect and fondness of her schoolteachers. However, this came with a lot of stigma from her classmates and as a result she closed off, becoming something of a loner while she focused almost exclusively on her studies. She joined the varsity soccer team in high school where she was a formidable defense player for her team, known as the "Psychic Sweeper" for her natural talent of reading people and being able to predict their moves on the field.

On her 17th birthday, however, she was attacked and brutally raped on her way home from a volunteer charity event at a local summer school. She spent a week in the hospital recovering from her severe concussion and a deep blade wound along her spine - the scar of which serves as a constant reminder of her rape. Being deeply affected by the fact that her rape went unsolved, she closed off completely and became entrenched in researching rape and criminal law, also taking up martial arts to train herself in self-defense.

Her life changed drastically when after she turned 18 her parents announced their divorce. During the divorce proceedings there was a fierce custody battle, which Stephen won since he made all the money for the family. Since she was legally an adult, Anna stated firmly she would not go with her father. After her speech the judge awarded full custody of Anna to her mother and full custody of her siblings to Stephen.

The divorce impacted Anna heavily, splitting her family in two and separating her from Eva - something that deeply upset Anna - and as such she harbors deep resentment toward her father for "abandoning" them and "ruining her family". Adriana and Anna ended up moving to a poor district of Queens where they lived in a rundown apartment. Adriana made ends meet by cleaning apartments and bartending while Anna worked part-time waitressing through college - she would not accept her father's offers to help her pay tuition.

Before the divorce, Anna was offered a hefty scholarship to New York University. There she graduated in the top of her class with a double-major in Criminal Justice and Psychology, with a minor in Sociology. Taking this education, she entered the Police Academy shortly before her 22nd birthday. Anna was unleashed as a beat cop on the streets until she was promoted to Detective, 3rd grade in January of 2004 after her erratic investigative methods helped the Queens Homicide Unit catch a dangerous serial killer.

Originally wishing for placement with Queens SVU, she was vaguely disappointed when she was assigned to Manhattan's 27th precinct to work in Homicide under the guidance of Lieutenant Anita VanBuren, whom Anna quickly grew to respect and even admire. She quickly and easily transitioned, eventually learning that Homicide was where she fit in best.

Unfortunately, Anna's distrust for her male coworkers (many of whom either hit on her or had no respect for her because she was a young Italian-American woman) caused a lot of tension in her line of work. In her three years as a detective, she's gone through several partners - the only one of which she still gets along with being William Carson, who transferred to a desk job after the birth of his second daughter.

Now that Anna has grown, as have Ryan and Eva, she's become close to her siblings again - especially now that they live in Greenwich Village near Anna's apartment that she shares with her two cats Milena and Varese. Her mother still lives in Queens, but Anna sees her weekly along with her siblings.

Anna has spent her first 3 years working Homicide almost entirely, having been loaned out temporarily to Vice for a prostitution sting in which she went undercover as a stripper to catch a man who was forcing young women into prostitution. Although it was an intriguing assignment, Anna believes Homicide is the best fit for her. She currently is without a "stable" partner, handling small cases on her own and occasionally assisting other detectives in her precinct when needed.

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Physical Description


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