Hazard: The Game

From Reach



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Original article

Hazard: The game is a relatively uncommon but still popular card game played on Reach. The object of the game is to destroy the opponent's band of frontiersmen while keeping yours alive. This collectable game is printed by a company in New Shanghai, and distributed around the globe.


Hazard was first created as a promotional material a new brand of soda. Each box of soda came with a card, and kids could fight each other using as little as 9 cards (coincidentally the number of soda's that came in a case). However, they soon realized that the game was popular enough to be sold independantly, and they dropped the soda's contract. At the same time, Reach Juice reinvented their formula, and Hazard Cola quickly disappeared off the market.

Basic Gameplay

The basic game involves 2 players facing off against each other. The players have a deck of cards representing a number of hazards for the opponent to face, such as native creatures, natural disasters, or bad turns in fortune as well as a number of upgrades for themselves, such as equipment or allies. Each player also has a team of frontiersmen with stats and special abilities that affect gameplay. Each frontiersman costs a number of points, and each team consists of 20 points worth of members. Frontiersmen start in play, and no new ones are introduced during game play.


There are 3 basic strategies for deck building.

The assault - Assault decks are loaded with native creatures. The theory is that with a steady stream of threats the opponent will not be able to effectively dfend himself. An example deck would be Silicon Assault, a deck based around getting out a hive early, then overwhelming the opponent with silicon crawlers.

The disaster - Disaster decks are based around natural disaster cards. While they are single use cards, as opposed to creatures, they are much harder to avoid, and thus provide a more consistant late game. In addition, this style of deck tends to have a number of ways to stop other decks, such as EM Quakes to stop Attack style decks and Fissure to stop assaults.

The attack - Attack style decks focus more on building up your own team than destroying the opponent. They will focus on high quality vehicles and weapons as opposed to creatures and natural disasters, and end the game in one fell swoop with a direct confrontation between the two teams.

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