
From Reach

A floater is a small observation robot in common usage in Delta Nova. They are 6 cm long cylinders with a diameter of 4 cm, tapered on the ends. Propulsion is accomplished through a pair of EM Repulsors. Floaters are used whenever anyone leaves the main complex of Delta Nova to enter the "Risk Zone", the area set aside for traders and visitors. Since information is highly valuable, floaters accompany all citizens to make sure that no transfer of information takes place. Floaters monitor visual, audio, electromagnetic, x-ray, and a number of other spectrums to make sure that no knowledge is transferred. Whenever information is leaked, or the floater is destroyed, the citizen is banned from reentering Delta Nova, as they are labeled a security risk. This leads many citizens to be scared of leaving the complex, as a disgruntled trader shooting a floater spells instant and permanent exocommunication from the colony. Hence, most conversations with outsiders take place over 2 way video conferencing screens.

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