
From Reach

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With life on Reach so very challenging, many people turn to religious institutions for hope.



Buddhism had a great start on Reach. During the time leading up to the migration, China became a dominant world power and cultural leader. It's influence spread in all areas of society, including religion. It's biggest faith: Buddhism, grew worldwide. Furthermore, due to extensive Chinese funding, a large proportion of migrants were Chinese, giving Buddhism fully half of the initial population.

Buddhism changed dramatically to adapt to life on Reach. As people began to realize that life on Reach was not the promised paradise, and was actually pretty miserable, many Buddhists sought a more immediate end to suffering than their religion offered. Eventually, the faith grew into a death cult, promising peace and an end to suffering in death, rather than enlightenment. Current Buddhists practice a lifestyle of extreme restraint, hoping to purge their souls of desire before their death. Those who succeed achieve oblivion, while those who fail suffer reincarnation.





Many religions didn't make it on Reach. After touchdown, many practitioners of these faiths found themselves the only believers in the settlement. Some of these colonists converted, some of their children converted, and religious diversity on Reach slowly faded, leaving mainly the three dominant religions. This effect spelled the end of Judaism on Reach (due to theological reasons, few Jews migrated).

The general trend has been towards religious consolidation, with members of different sects of the same major faith worshiping together, setting aside most theological differences. Local religious leaders have more influence on matters of faith than previous distinctions.

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