
From Rcwiki

Form Class [[{{{form}}}]]
Status {{{status}}}

When using this, please make sure you only use a picture of the person in question. Not a picture of them and their mates, not a TAT NTH picture, not a picture of their current project, not a picture they find funny. Just a picture of them. Also, do not omit anything. Put "Undisclosed" or "Unknown" if nessecary. Feel free to add stuff onto this, have a look at the way it's already done while editing to see how to do this. Please don't try to add useless stuff, however. Add here information on what to put for anything you've added:

  • image - The filename of a picture of the person. Use noimg.jpg if you don't want one.
  • form - The formclass of the person.
  • status - Their status - single or taken?

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