RW New World Order article

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Revision as of 19:22, 10 March 2008 by FalseFlag (Talk | contribs)
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The RationalWiki New World Order article has probably been the subject of more edit warring than any other article on the site. It seems that the majority of the edit warring was carried out by that edit-war tag team Elassint and Ryan.

For some reason their well thought out and eloquent contributions have never been appreciated by the denizens of the rational site.

Intelligent samples.

A good example is Ryan's editing by deletion with the comment: (HEY SYSOPS - ARE YOU AWAKE? LET'S SEE!) and this edit by Elassint which removes one of the same references.

What they actually edit.

For some reason they are keen to see the back of these two references:

  • A parody of the New World Order.
  • Another parody of the New World Order.

Other references

Those wishing to learn the truth about the New World Order are encouraged to visit Ryan and Elassint's New World Order Wiki where you will find three witty articles advising you of the dangers the world faces. Those visiting may well find themselves inexorably drawn to ask: "Is this another parody?"

RationalWiki's own New World Order article is here

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