Electrified mocha chinchilla

From Rationalwikiwki

Revision as of 01:51, 10 March 2008 by Hans Johnson (Talk | contribs)
Stalk this user! omg, it's a joke...
 Real name: Nathan Sullivan [1]
 Age range: sixteen
 Gender: male
 Locale: east coast, United States
 Stance: n/a[2]
 Misc.: n/a
user page -- user talk -- contributions

Electrified mocha chinchilla is the second established Uncyclopedia member to join RationalWiki. His profession still seems to be Uncyclopedia, with RationalWiki as more of a hobby.[1]

Notes and references

  1. Judging from editing patterns: short editing spurts every few days on RationalWiki, contrasted with almost daily contributions to Uncyclopedia.
  2. Not enough intelligence has been gathered to ascertain views on religion and tolerance of other beliefs.
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