Lily The Pink

From Rationalwikiwki

Revision as of 07:05, 10 March 2008 by Hans Johnson (Talk | contribs)
Stalk this user! omg, it's a joke...
 Real name: Lily ____
 Age range: n/a
 Gender: female
 Locale: Liverpool, England
 Stance: atheist[2]
 Misc.: n/a
user page -- user talk -- contributions

Lily the Pink is a newcomer to RationalWiki.

Kels assumed her name was a reference to the Clancy Brother's song Cracklin' Rosie, although Lily The Pink herself never confirmed that assumption. Her name may also be a reference to infamous patent medicine huckster Lily the Pink.[1]

Notes and references

  1. [1]
  2. Not enough intelligence has been gathered to gauge the user's religious tolerance.
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