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Name: Vexx
Title: God of Magic, God of Deception/Manipulation
Alias: Kurul, Commander Artemis
Race: Shapeshifting Deity
Sex: Male
Age: Nearly 300,000
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Family: None


Vexx was created when the High Gods needed a new god of darkness to even out their collective Good/Evil ratio. They feared what he might accomplish if he were actually independent, and so they sought a way to control him. The solution was found by Azranth-Kurul, the High God of Magic. Vexx would be made dependent on mortal energy, and since the High Gods controlled all of that energy at the time, he would have to obey them.

Vexx, however, quickly made a name for himself. There was already a rather heated (but bloodless) conflict going on, concerning the fate of the mortal races, and with some strategic bluffing and manipulation, Vexx managed to widen the gap between the two sides even further - to the extent that, eventually, the conflict escalated to full-out war.

The Gods' War lasted one hundred years, and by the end, all mortal life had been snuffed out. All but Vexx had either died or chosen to flee from the destruction they'd caused. Vexx stayed behind and accepted his impending death with dignity.

But something happened. Something he did not expect. New life began to form, seemingly of its own sheer willpower. The first and most powerful of these new beings were the Seraphim, who were themselves almost as powerful as the High Gods before them. They refused to accept the less-powerful Vexx as their god, but they did acknowledge his status as their elder, and rebuilt the mortal universe under his guidance.

Most of the newly-reborn humans and Otherkin were quick to accept Vexx as their god, and when asked what his formal title was, he quickly answered, "High God of Magic."

In one fell swoop, Vexx had both de-throned his hated creator and earned himself all the energy he would ever need. He is now the only God most sentient beings know...


Vexx cares for little more than maintaining the status quo, meaning that when his true identity is at risk of discovery or there is some great crisis threatening the mortals he draws his energy from, he will do everything within his power to stop it. The main reason he is considered Evil is because of the methods he uses to accomplish this.

Secret of Kelmar has provided the best example thus far: in his struggle against Rekhariz, Vexx protected and guided the protagonists, allowing them to become more and more powerful, only to turn on them and attempt to "harvest" their power in the end. However, before his final battle against the heroes began, he promised that he would leave them alone if defeated. He was indeed defeated and did indeed keep his word.

It ultimately seems like he's not such a bad individual, although understandably, he does show a fair bit of jadedness and a superiority complex when speaking to mortals.

But he delights in tormenting his enemies and their descendants, a lesson hard-learned by the Ti'Nell family. Add in that he really doesn't care about mortals and would gladly let them all die, if that did not mean the loss of his sole source of amusement and nourishment, and it's quite obvious that he really is Evil, at least to some extent. He claims it's part of his nature - which is probably true.


Vexx was first mentioned as one of the three main gods in the pantheon Jakon Ti'Nell believed in. There was Primus, God of Light; Proteus, God of Darkness; and Vexx, God of Magic. Jakon, originally a warrior, sought out priests of Vexx in the hopes of learning magic.

But then Jakon encountered Vexx himself, and it was quickly revealed that, though powerful, he was no God of Magic. Vexx knew that Jakon was a descendant of his ancient enemy, Arthuras Ti'Nell, and thus had no qualms about revealing his true identity ... and then proceeding to taunt and torment the young warrior for the rest of his days.

Vexx later appeared in other plotlines which were in need of a "Magnificent Bastard" archetype - a spot which he is normally more than happy to fill. He even turns out to be the main villain in Blood And Fire.


Vexx is an omnipresent character. He plays major roles in Blood And Fire and Secret of Kelmar and at least minor roles in nearly everything else. Though he is mostly harmless, the characters being manipulated by him probably don't think of him as such.


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