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A Phoenix is a legendary bird, most famous for its ability to return from the dead by being burned on a pyre. The Phoenix was a famous individual of this species.

In Blood And Fire, the Phoenix is thought to be extinct - no one has seen one first-hand in almost one hundred years. However, Kharivas and his sister Corina are eventually revealed to have Phoenix heritage and powers.


A Phoenix has a sort of "healing factor", allowing it to survive injuries and sicknesses that would kill most other beings. When it is about to die, it has a sort of foresight that gives it advance warning - it cannot, however, foresee the exact time or circumstances.

When a dead Phoenix is burned on a wooden pyre, as long as the body is intact, the Phoenix will return to life.

Individuals of the species are able to heal the sick and injured, and even resurrect the dead, though this usually requires extensive training. Some also have psychic powers. A Phoenix descendant unaware of its heritage is sometimes able to harness these abilities in moments of extreme emotion or desperation.

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