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From Randomramblings

Revision as of 15:19, 18 November 2006 by Ksumoe (Talk | contribs)
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This template is used to quote passages from the Book of Janus. Do not misuse this template lest the Prophet Janus skullfuck you then smite you with his mighty scepter.




These parameters need to be defined for the KoL Player Information Template:

  • {{{1}}}: What book the quote came from.
  • {{{2}}}: Chapter the quote came from.
  • {{{3}}}: Line the quote came from
  • {{{4}}}: The quote you are quoting


Book of Harbl, Ch. 1, Line 45:
"And the Prophet Janus did sayeth that followers shall stroke their groinal area at least once a day. And Janus saw that it was good."
In the name of the God, Savior, and Prophet Janus, amen.
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