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Smiley Thread Bandwagon

From Randomramblings

Revision as of 22:49, 25 October 2006 by Hinoa (Talk | contribs)

The Smiley Thread Bandwagon was a bandwagon with Smilies as a topic name. Effectively half of RR was sanctioned because of this.

The Victims

Long Sanction (~2 wks)

  • Smacktard
  • ratbert
  • Barnacle_Ed
  • I_eat_trees
  • SPNirology
  • Zerofive1
  • magesx
  • birdofprey161
  • Shunyata

Short Sanction (7-10 days)

  • Ratclaw
  • lordjanus
  • Strong Bad's Fan
  • thekillerfroggy?
  • Kazer
  • Cantryboy

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